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[Humor] Notable Quotes



  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    SlamduncAZ: I will kill Err.
    "Err<174><STEAM_0:0:20115714><>" disconnected (reason "Err timed out")
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I found this little comment chain in the Starfall lifesupport.lua file that I'd forgotten entirely about.


    I'm the one who handled that shit for the whiners.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Kanz is having issues with bot balance.
    Kanzuke ship is now as useful as elwolf's e2s, thanks to Bot01
    Kanzuke's ship just got turned to shrapnel by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is already flying back to spawn to paste a bigger ship, I hope Bot01's repairs are still running.
    Kanzuke probably lost half their ship to a map wall, but Bot01 is claiming it as a victory all the same.
    Kanzuke's broke ass spaceship wiped out by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is blaming weapon choices whilst Bot01 is claiming they're now the best ship builder.
    Kanzuke ship blasted to shrapnel by Bot01, who wouldn't have stood a chance if that ship had the calibrated gyropod/had the finished tank/had the up to date e2s installed.
    Kanzuke's cries for mercy were ignored, their ship destroyed by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is donating to the salvage market with Bot01's help.
    Kanzuke should probably stop attacking Bot01, it's just not going well for them.
    Kanzuke's broke ass spaceship wiped out by Bot01.
    Kanzuke should probably stop attacking Bot01, it's just not going well for them.
    Kanzuke ship is now ready to be salvdged thanks to Bot01.
    Kanzuke was shown who has the biggest space penis by Bot01
    Kanzuke's ship was exploded by Bot01.
    Kanzuke's cries for mercy were ignored, their ship destroyed by Bot01.
    Kanzuke probably lost half their ship to a map wall, but Bot01 is claiming it as a victory all the same.
    Kanzuke will have to take up pinball QA testing, Bot01 has handily demonstrated that space combat is not their forte
    Kanzuke is going to have to float on home, 'cause their ship was just blown up by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is now ashes because of Bot01.
    Kanzuke got ganked, Bot01 tanked.
    Kanzuke ship is now as useful as elwolf's e2s, thanks to Bot01
    Kanzuke ship was pew pew'd to death by Bot01
    Kanzuke was probably on spawn, but it's too late now, Bot01 is merciless.
    Kanzuke was probably on spawn, but it's too late now, Bot01 is merciless.
    Critical structural failure induced on Kanzuke's vessel by  Bot01.
    Kanzuke got the sky taken from him by Bot01.
    Kanzuke ship was pew pew'd to death by Bot01
    Kanzuke just had their ship eviscerated by Bot01.
    Kanzuke ship blasted to shrapnel by Bot01, who wouldn't have stood a chance if that ship had the calibrated gyropod/had the finished tank/had the up to date e2s installed.
    Kanzuke fought valiantly against Bot01's unbalanced and unfair tactics, but ultimately  failed.
    Kanzuke lost to a surprise victory by Bot01! What an upset!
    Kanzuke will have to take up pinball QA testing, Bot01 has handily demonstrated that space combat is not their forte
    Kanzuke will have to take up pinball QA testing, Bot01 has handily demonstrated that space combat is not their forte
    Kanzuke has just exploded, and I'm sure they took half the maps water supply with them. I don't suppose Bot01 wants to try salvaging?
    Kanzuke is blaming weapon choices whilst Bot01 is claiming they're now the best ship builder.
    Kanzuke's broke ass spaceship wiped out by Bot01.
    Kanzuke probably lost half their ship to a map wall, but Bot01 is claiming it as a victory all the same.
    Kanzuke is going to have to float on home, 'cause their ship was just blown up by Bot01.
    Kanzuke should probably stop attacking Bot01, it's just not going well for them.
    Kanzuke's broke ass spaceship wiped out by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is blaming weapon choices whilst Bot01 is claiming they're now the best ship builder.
    Kanzuke's ship just got turned to shrapnel by Bot01.
    Kanzuke has just exploded, and I'm sure they took half the maps water supply with them. I don't suppose Bot01 wants to try salvaging?
    Kanzuke is going to have to float on home, 'cause their ship was just blown up by Bot01.
    Kanzuke ship is now as useful as elwolf's e2s, thanks to Bot01
    Kanzuke got ganked, Bot01 tanked.
    Kanzuke has just exploded, and I'm sure they took half the maps water supply with them. I don't suppose Bot01 wants to try salvaging?
    Kanzuke got ganked, Bot01 tanked.
    Kanzuke lost to a surprise victory by Bot01! What an upset!
    Kanzuke blasted to smithereens by Bot01, should probably play a baby game like Space Engineers instead.
    Kanzuke's cries for mercy were ignored, their ship destroyed by Bot01.
    Kanzuke lost to a surprise victory by Bot01! What an upset!
    Kanzuke just had their ship eviscerated by Bot01.
    Kanzuke probably lost half their ship to a map wall, but Bot01 is claiming it as a victory all the same.
    Kanzuke's broke ass spaceship wiped out by Bot01.
    Kanzuke is donating to the salvage market with Bot01's help.
    Kanzuke is now ashes because of Bot01.
    Kanzuke should probably stop attacking Bot01, it's just not going well for them.
    Kanzuke got ganked, Bot01 tanked.
    Kanzuke's ship just got FUCKING WRECKED by Bot01.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    17:26:51 L 01/20/2017 - 01:26:50: Lua Error: elwolf6.exe: I need runOnTick(1)
    17:27:00 HLSW NOTE: Disconnected

    Moral of the server crash: if you think you need runOnTick, you don't need runOnTick.
  • Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
    23:20 PM - Outlλnder: oh sweet mercy
    23:20 PM - Outlλnder: i was kidding about the vagina centipedes
    23:20 PM - Outlλnder: but
    23:21 PM - Outlλnder: oh that's horrible.
    "If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    NJCorp Ultimate Ability: Autocannon Limit Break

    Each of those bullets did enough damage to instantly explode a titan.

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    Lambda217 wrote:


    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    elwolf6: Bad.
    Lλmbdλ: CONSOLE HELP.
    rcon from "": Bad Password
    rcon from "": Bad Password
    rcon from "": Bad Password
    rcon from "": Bad Password
    rcon from "": Bad Password
    Banning for rcon hacking attempts
    Lλmbdλ -> disconnected
    Dropped Lλmbdλ from server (Added to banned list)

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    9:35am - Kanzuke: now that I have the means to capture without stunstick, I should get plenty more shots worth bnackgrounding
    9:36am - Steeveeo: right in the bnack
    9:36am - njits23: My bnack hurts
    9:36am - Kanzuke: u suk
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    Poor Cadets.
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    [Discord] [Test] Relay: Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Map is missing)
    [MAP ROTATOR] - 5 minutes left! Save up!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) Disconnected. (Reason: Disconnect by user.)
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) is joining the server!
    Ethan4303 (STEAM_0:0:187919863) has spawned in the server!
    [MAP ROTATOR] - 1 minute left until End of the Universe! Final warning!
    Ethan4303: !extend.
    Ethan4303: !long.
    Ethan4303: !stop.
    Ethan4303 suicided!
    [MAP ROTATOR] - WARNING: End of the Universe!

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    10:05 AM - Lambda217: ...remember when we tried to have a diaspora stranded server for some unfathomable reason
    10:05 AM - Lambda217: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 12AD3D751/
    10:08 AM - Kanzuke: I can't remember if I got a picture of the ocean of spoons
    10:08 AM - Lambda217: ...i shouldn't have missed that
    10:08 AM - Kanzuke: it was the downfall of the server
    10:08 AM - Kanzuke: every new spoon dropped the sv to two for 30 seconds as it collided with the other hundreds of spoons
    10:09 AM - Lambda217: and that was apparently what convinced brandon not to do stranded


    3:37 PM - Kanzuke: it begins
    3:51 PM - H08.us: what about
    3:51 PM - H08.us: we make some kind of spoon generator.
    3:51 PM - H08.us: or spoon recycler
    3:51 PM - H08.us: that turns spoons into random useful stuff.
    7:50 PM - Mouldy: There is no spoon
    8:28 PM - Steeveeo: https://gyazo.com/0b0d9e2d49436b8460bbdae5590d31aa
    8:28 PM - Lambda217: fuck
    8:28 PM - Kanzuke: YES

  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    [Concord] : H08.us can be heard shouting something about sudden yet inevitable betreyal, but Kanzuke has already fled the scene.
    [Concord] : H08.us will have to take up pinball QA testing, Kanzuke has handily demonstrated that space combat is not their forte.
    [Discord] [Build1] [AHI] [CNU] Tox: Are you writing the diaspora bible or something.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    9:01 AM - elwolf6: i keep trying to describe a thruster and how it moves back when the jet takes off
    9:02 AM - H08.US: "how it moves back when the jet takes off"W
    9:02 AM - H08.US: wat
    9:02 AM - elwolf6: like its a ball of fire when the jet isnt moving
    9:02 AM - elwolf6: but when its moving
    9:02 AM - elwolf6: it kind of like moves back
    9:03 AM - Steeveeo: what "kind of like moves back"
    9:03 AM - elwolf6: and the part near the thruster is bigger than the end
    9:03 AM - njits23: wat
    9:03 AM - H08.US: i think he is talking about the jet exhaust
    9:03 AM - H08.US: like the flame effect
    9:04 AM - Steeveeo: good luck figuring out exhaust diamonds in gmod if that's what you're talking about..
    9:04 AM - Steeveeo: or...are you talking about the nozzle controls?
    9:04 AM - elwolf6: where its like a triangle
    9:04 AM - elwolf6: and the base is facing the thruster
    9:05 AM - njits23: Elwolf
    9:05 AM - Steeveeo: ....just go look up a video please
    9:05 AM - njits23: draw a picture
    9:05 AM - Steeveeo: you're using words, and NONE OF THEM MAKE ANY SENSE
    9:05 AM - H08.US:
    9:05 AM - H08.US: are you talking about this?
    9:05 AM - elwolf6: no

    9:05 AM - elwolf6: the right one
    9:05 AM - elwolf6: on paint
    9:05 AM - H08.US: nigga draws a fucking triangle
    9:06 AM - Steeveeo: ....YOU JUST DREW A TRIANGLE
    9:06 AM - njits23: what even
    9:06 AM - elwolf6: its a triangle!
    9:06 AM - njits23: are you talking about the exhaust plume?
    9:06 AM - Steeveeo: the FUCK are you even on about?
    9:06 AM - elwolf6: like the flame is bigger on at the start than starts to get smaller
    9:06 AM - Steeveeo: ...jesus talk about "weaponized autism", my head hurts
    9:06 AM - H08.US: lmao
    9:06 AM - H08.US: i want this entire convo pinned
    9:07 AM - Steeveeo: if you're talking about making the particles you're emitting shrink, do emitterSetEndSize
    9:07 AM - H08.US: its fucking amazing
    9:07 AM - elwolf6:
    9:07 AM - elwolf6: like that
    9:07 AM - njits23: Elwolf is talking about exhaust plumes
    9:08 AM - Steeveeo: literally just emitterSetEndSize
    9:08 AM - Steeveeo: e2Helper is your friend
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    While discussing particle effects of the WIP Active Subsystem Modules:
    10:57 AM - Lambda217: heat venting from shit all over and making radiators glow red is my big favorite indicator of "power is happening"
    10:57 AM - Lambda217: i wonder how spectral ships would handle it tho.
    10:57 AM - Lambda217: oh no, my battleship meat is all sweaty
    10:57 AM - Lambda217: can't have sweaty battleship meat.
    10:57 AM - Steeveeo: suddenly a censor mosiac pops up
    10:57 AM - Lambda217: it's for the best
    10:58 AM - Lambda217: wait would would the censor pop up if we're trying to make the meat less sweaty
    11:01 AM - Steeveeo: nobody likes censorship
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: we'll leave the sweaty meats bare for all to see
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: and fuck
    11:01 AM - Steeveeo: welp
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: NO WAITR
    11:01 AM - Steeveeo: :V
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: WITH THAT LAST LINE
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: as i was saying
    11:01 AM - Lambda217: and fuck
    11:02 AM - njits23: My next spaceship will be made of cubes that look distorted and will be called Censorship
    11:02 AM - Steeveeo: yeah we got that much
    11:02 AM - Lambda217: i've been waiting for my pizza to cook for 15 minutes, i finally open the oven, pizza's fuckin stone cold, i think the oven's busted then i realize i'd turned the wrong shelf on
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849

    I...I don't know what to say to that...
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    5:58 PM - Copper: wait, what's the turret limit?
    5:58 PM - Steeveeo: 20
    5:58 PM - Lambda217: we have a weapon limit, not a turret limit, it's 20
    5:58 PM - Steeveeo: though you'll run out of weapons first
    5:58 PM - Lambda217: you can adjust how many weapons are on each turret
    5:58 PM - Copper: then why did it cap me at 12?
    5:58 PM - Steeveeo: since almost all have more than one mount
    5:58 PM - Steeveeo: because the weapon limit is 20 as well :D
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: different turrets have different number of weapon mounts
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: adjust the lil slider to resolve this
    5:59 PM - Steeveeo: guess we do have that going for us
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: we have a few things
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: we have heart.
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: that's more than you can say for most gmod communities!
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: we may not have competence but we have friendship
    5:59 PM - Steeveeo: we hardly have that!
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: we have...memes i guess
    5:59 PM - Lambda217: !quote
    6:00 PM - SweetieBOT: "NinjrKillr: What even is this conversation wtf"
    6:00 PM - Lambda217: yup.
    6:00 PM - Steeveeo: yup

    Bot somehow chooses the most apt quote to throw at this conversation.
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    Found these old-ass logs while salvaging data off a dying disk
    <Steeveeo> here's a bad idea
    Steeveeo has just earned the achievment [Twilight Arrival] (Arrive in the Twilight Forest)
    Steeveeo has timed out
    Nielk1 has timed out
    Kanzuke has timed out
    atas has timed out
    smellydog1 has timed out
    [PlayX Queue] Now playing: [PMV Collab] - To The Sky
    (PMV == Pony Music Video)
    TheNinjrKillr: .playnext.
    TheNinjrKillr: .ship.
    TheNinjrKillr: .skip.
    TheNinjrKillr: .fuckthis.
    TheNinjrKillr disconnected
    Hreidar99 connected
    [SBRP] - Hreidar99 spawned models/props_c17/FurnitureSink001a.mdl
    Hreidar99 disconnected
    Kanzuke: Alas, we hardly knew ye.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Ok.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: Barrels?
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Now look up.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Wait Im gonna make it spawn a barrel and blow it up too.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Ok?
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Lol.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Hehee.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Storm of doom.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: XD.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Hmm.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Lol.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: ERMAHGERD WHAT.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: DAUFQ.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: Ugh.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: MY FRAMES.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: SAME HERE.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: So apparently that effect never dies anymore.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: Don't look into the light!
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: GJ STEEVEEO.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: Verygood indeed.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: 3 fps.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Pow.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: Au.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: Shit, I just went into the event horizon of the explosion.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Kanzuke: Was frozen for a good minute.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Hrm.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Divran: Pow.
    <ChatLink> [GMOD][SERVER #1] Steeveeo: Can't spawn the bertasplosion through e2.
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] Malevolent Honeybadger: YOU THINK DIS IS GAYM!?
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] Malevolent Honeybadger: Russian man punching my ship.
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: He can puch all he wants.
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] Err McSrsly [NOR]: Punch.
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] спец: PUNCH RAPE.
    <ChatLink>[GMOD][SERVER #1] спец: ARRRRR.

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Derp.png 123.7K
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849

    Discord Reactions are dumb.

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