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Pew Pew Defense System - Help Needed
Hi, I'm new at the server, but I know how to use Pew Pew, Wire and Adv Gyro's, but for some reason that I don't have Idea, the Pew Pew defense system's don't work (automatic and manual defense) was suposed to create a shield barrier, that reflects/destroy others pew pew guns shoots, but the closest I get of this working is some sparks....
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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PewPew needs energy to fire (as stated in bright yellow in the motd) and about half the weapons have no effect against ship cores. When Brandons weapons are ready I will switch over to them.
I picked pewpew over gcombat cause its very easy to set pewpew up, and even easier to update weapons. I dont like gcombat's 5 year old clunky system.