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Pew Pew Defense System - Help Needed

GistixGistix Registered Posts: 8
edited November 2012 in Help and Tutorials #1
Hi, I'm new at the server, but I know how to use Pew Pew, Wire and Adv Gyro's, but for some reason that I don't have Idea, the Pew Pew defense system's don't work (automatic and manual defense) was suposed to create a shield barrier, that reflects/destroy others pew pew guns shoots, but the closest I get of this working is some sparks....


  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    Gistix wrote:
    Hi, I'm new at the server, but I know how to use Pew Pew, Wire and Adv Gyro's, but for some reason that I don't have Idea, the Pew Pew defense system's don't work (automatic and manual defense) was suposed to create a shield barrier, that reflects/destroy others pew pew guns shoots, but the closest I get of this working is some sparks....
    Pew Pew isn't on our server, we only have gcombat because pewpew is incompatible with a lot of things on our server. You can use our Ship Cores tool to protect against weapons, but that is the best you'll get.
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  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Curious, but why did you assume we had Pew Pew?
  • RagetankRagetank Registered Posts: 34
    The linux server had Pew pew idk if it still does
    Follow my Company on MODDB Thank you!
  • GistixGistix Registered Posts: 8
    Mine is named pew pew....
  • DataSchmuckDataSchmuck Registered, Moderator Posts: 147
    I put pewpew on the linux server a few weeks ago cause I have no idea how long it will be before the new weapons are ready. (Already a few weeks). People needed a temporary solution to shoot each other and pewpew fit the bill.
    PewPew needs energy to fire (as stated in bright yellow in the motd) and about half the weapons have no effect against ship cores. When Brandons weapons are ready I will switch over to them.
    I picked pewpew over gcombat cause its very easy to set pewpew up, and even easier to update weapons. I dont like gcombat's 5 year old clunky system.

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