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lua development
I would love to try tackling some of the bugs being reported in the tech support sections. I have a lot of experience with programming in many languages, but I don't have much experience with lua. Would it be possible for me to work on some of the lua for the dev server to work on fixing some of the problems?
I have no experience with PHP
Also, those models aren't mine. As in, I didn't make them. Nor do I know how.
I also have experience with several programming languages. Paperclip's PHP experience might come in handy with my plans for shared time and such.
Also: We have exactly that. A clustering algorithm runs in the Parent crystals, that will check to see if there are around 4 crystals close enough together. If so, they get removed and replaced with a Cluster prop, that has the same amount of resources as those four combined. It also takes up about the same amount of space.
*self face palm*