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lua development

Paper ClipPaper Clip Registered, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 87
edited June 2011 in Development #1
I would love to try tackling some of the bugs being reported in the tech support sections. I have a lot of experience with programming in many languages, but I don't have much experience with lua. Would it be possible for me to work on some of the lua for the dev server to work on fixing some of the problems?


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I wouldn't mind, but you'd also have to ask Steeveeo. Do you have any experience in PHP?
  • Paper ClipPaper Clip Registered, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 87
    Amaroq wrote:
    I wouldn't mind, but you'd also have to ask Steeveeo. Do you have any experience in PHP?

    I have no experience with PHP :( Another thing that should be looked into is reducing the painful RSO errors. I think a few things can be done like reducing the entity count of the tiberium by creating models as 6 of them, 5 of them, 4 of them, ect. Then this would reduce the tiberium propcount by 5 fold or so.
  • Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
    One way you could reduce the asteroid/crystal count would be to increase the amount of resources each one can hold, that way there are still the same amount of resources, just generated in less entities.
    "If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Possibly. Tib is usually only around 20-40 ish ents, which isn't much. It'd be easier if people didn't build such massive ships.

    Also, those models aren't mine. As in, I didn't make them. Nor do I know how.
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    I can make models and have decompiled several Source Engine models, edited them, and recompiled them. (suck-it hexers)

    I also have experience with several programming languages. Paperclip's PHP experience might come in handy with my plans for shared time and such.
  • KamekaziKamekazi Registered Posts: 36
    I've noticed that crystals and asteroids don't really have an effect on me until there are more than 600 of them. they don't take much to run.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    At any given time, there are around 30 asteroids in space, and 20-30 crystals on a single planet. 60 entities on a map is very little, and contribute minimal amounts of lag to it.

    Also: We have exactly that. A clustering algorithm runs in the Parent crystals, that will check to see if there are around 4 crystals close enough together. If so, they get removed and replaced with a Cluster prop, that has the same amount of resources as those four combined. It also takes up about the same amount of space.
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    Paper Clip wrote:
    I have no experience with PHP :(
    Nielk1 wrote:
    Paperclip's PHP experience might come in handy with my plans for shared time and such.

    *self face palm*
  • KamekaziKamekazi Registered Posts: 36
    nice :P

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