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Space Combat 2 Test Server - Issue Reporting Thread

Please report any issues you run into while playing on the test server here.
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Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Issue with the HUD
Aspect ratio: 16:10
Resolution 1366:768
[ERROR] gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:109: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. LocalToWorld - [C]:-1
2. unknown - gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:109
Timer Failed! [Simple][@gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua (line 108)]
[ERROR] gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:127: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. LocalToWorld - [C]:-1
2. unknown - gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:127
Timer Failed! [Simple][@gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua (line 126)]
#And then a couple of secounds later
[ERROR] gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:40: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. LocalToWorld - [C]:-1
2. unknown - gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua:40
Timer Failed! [Simple][@gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/effects/sc_subxpl_capitalcrit.lua (line 34)]
Now, I wired up my water splitter to create a total of 2500 u/s hydrogen. That means a total surplus of 202 u/s hydrogen. But, instead of a surplus of 202 u/s, the total amount of hydrogen in my tanks hovered around 1%, very rarely going up to 2% before being promptly used up. So I made some experiments. First I measured the amount of time it would take for a water splitter to fill a resource tank with oxygen and hydrogen respectively, and compared them to how long it would take theoreticly. I got these results: Now it is worth mentioning that the experiments were on a small scale, so I would like to recreate the tests at a bigger scale.
After getting these results I tried to experiment with my afformentioned ship problem. I cranked up my water splitter to create a whopping 4500 u/s of hydrogen, and 2250 u/s oxygen. Theoreticly creating a 2202 u/s hydrogen surplus. I allowed it to fill up my tanks with no other reactors/producers interfering. After filling up my tanks with hydrogen, I turned on my antimatter creator and the antimatter reactor and observed my (single) hydrogen resource tank to go from 100% to 90% in one minute. In this case it would mean a loss of about 10 000 u of hydrogen in 1 minute. That means that instead of getting the 2202 u/s hydrogen surplus I WAS PROMISED... I got a 166 u/s hydrogen deficit. The only way this would make sense is if the oxygen production and hydrogen production were switched somehow. But I don't think thats the case, since my earlier experiment did not indicate that.
[ERROR] gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/entities/sc_turret.lua:734: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetColor - [C]:-1
2. CheckMaterials - gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/entities/sc_turret.lua:734
3. unknown - gamemodes/spacebuild3/entities/entities/sc_turret.lua:752
that's been happening forever you just click the name of a person and it fixes itself
Moisture Vaporator multiplier goes down to like -80 from 40