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Broken ADV DUPE 2 (and possibly 1)
So I try to copy ship with adv dupe 2, ship copies and saves correctly, I try to copy it, it works, I delete both copies, ship does not copy.The ghost shows but it does not copy.I tried to copy it earlier with adv dupe 1 and it didnt work. Is it just me or is adv dupe 2 broken?
Evil Haggis, Advance Dupe "1" is going away, as of gmod 13 it will be only Advance Dupe 2.
It sounds fran4x though like your client side has a problem, we have many folks including myself using advdupe2 dupes from advdupe1.
If you are trying to dupe with advdup1 as well and it isn't working points to a possibly problem with your ship you "made" or your client.