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Change Log for Jan 23 - Jan 29
Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
First changelog!
[*] [BALANCE] - Moved Drill Rigs into Mining Lasers instead of Mining Devices (will probably rename that category later). Also set the limit for all drill devices (lasers too) to 5. This amount should let people have a couple platforms for mining to their name at a time, while not being able to completely spam the Drill platforms to get OMGFREERESOURCES.[/*]
[*] [PLAN][FEATURE] - Since the E2 function Ent:setPos(Vec) got overwritten in the last set of updates, player teleporting is no longer possible via E2. Going to make Ent:setPlyPos(Vec) that will only work on players, and not be stuck in Wire_Extras to get overwritten each update. This is set as a plan for now, instead of me just doing it, since I have some other work to do today.[/*][/list]
[*] [BALANCE] - Moved Drill Rigs into Mining Lasers instead of Mining Devices (will probably rename that category later). Also set the limit for all drill devices (lasers too) to 5. This amount should let people have a couple platforms for mining to their name at a time, while not being able to completely spam the Drill platforms to get OMGFREERESOURCES.[/*]
[*] [PLAN][FEATURE] - Since the E2 function Ent:setPos(Vec) got overwritten in the last set of updates, player teleporting is no longer possible via E2. Going to make Ent:setPlyPos(Vec) that will only work on players, and not be stuck in Wire_Extras to get overwritten each update. This is set as a plan for now, instead of me just doing it, since I have some other work to do today.[/*][/list]
[*] [PLAN][FORUMS] - Find out why I can't see the stupid "Edit Post" button. (Outdated, see next item)[/*]
[*] [FIX][FORUMS] - Fuhrball fixed the edit button issue, as well as other missing buttons.[/*][/list]
[list][*] [FEATURE] - The number of Crystal Parents that are allowed to be spawned on a single planet scales up and down according to the radius of said planet. Example: A moon with a radius of 1280 units can only have a maximum of 1 Crystal Parent, while a gas giant with a radius of 3200 can have up to 3 Crystal parents.[/*][/list]
Note, if nobody's posted a change between yours, just use the edit button, makes things less cluttered.
[*][UPDATE] - Updated Wenlis Tools. Precision Alignment, Physgun Buildmode, and the like should be all patched up.[/*]
[*][UPDATE] - Base GMod update today.[/*]
[*][FORUM] - Edited the MOTD here on the forums. Now includes a link to the Change Logs section and a more verbose and descriptive staffer list.[/*][/list]