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duped core unlinked to reasource node issue

evil haggisevil haggis Registered Posts: 22
edited June 2012 in Tech Support #1
ok. this issue was brought forward by SGC¦ bad_idea. from what he knows every time you spawn a cored object from a dupe, it unlinks itself from the reasource node. bad also descrided to me how much of an issue this could be in the future Gmod 13. so both me and bad are requesting sombody please fix this issue asoon as possible
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  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    ok. this issue was brought forward by SGC¦ bad_idea. from what he knows every time you spawn a cored object from a dupe, it unlinks itself from the reasource node. bad also descrided to me how much of an issue this could be in the future Gmod 13. so both me and bad are requesting sombody please fix this issue asoon as possible
    I've had this bug reported to me by about 30 people :P

    I honestly have no idea why the duper doesn't save the RD3 stuff properly, though I'm not exactly the best at working with the RD3 systems. This won't be an issue in GM13 at all, I'm throwing the whole thing out the window. Support energy will cease to exist as weapons will be noming your capacitor directly. :twisted:
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  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    In the mean-time, to circumvent this problem - you should use this E2 here. It'll automatically link your code and your node, provided you wirelink the node to the E2. Note: It'll wait 2 seconds after the dupe has finished pasting, so wait a few seconds!
    # This E2 was written by NinjrKillr, and has been placed into the public
    # domain for free use. Any modifications are allowed, but credit must
    # remain with NinjrKillr for the original E2. This E2 is allowed to be
    # shared at will, provided this header remains intact.
    @name Core Auto-Linker
    @inputs ResourceNode:wirelink
    		Core = entity():getCoreEnt()
    		if(Core != noentity()){Core:link(ResourceNode:entity())}
    		else{print("[Core Auto-Linker] Attempted to link Core and Node, but there was no Core :/")}
    		print("[Core Auto-Linker] There was no Resource Node attached, please wirelink the E2 to the node.")
    		print("[Core Auto-Linker] Re-attempting in 30 seconds.")

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