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Pulse laser?

So I was thinking.... We already have lasers that fire continuously until overheating or shutdown, why not have lasers that just fire a pulse? Just an idea. I think it would look kinda cool.
Every Human Being has some capacity for evil. It's just that some Humans have a greater capacity for evil than others.
I approve of this idea.
Lets get Brandon to make it, so then it can fire backwards!
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
Normal beams are all ubalanced, cruiser beams overload in 20 second whereas Capital beams take 10 minutes-infinity x to overload.
Well, Asgards (The normal asgards, not those ridiculous instakill las0rz of death Dune made) are mainly used for taking down SG shields. I was thinking that because it was a pulse, it would be really effective against Cores, but also good enough against shields that it would be better than normal beams, but wouldn't instakill SG shields like Asgards do.
Yes, I realize that, but still. Lets be honest, I don't really think that many people would care about realism.
Oh I know. I am mostly considering it for a side project I hope to start some time soon.
Says the guy with a Bleach character in his signature.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."