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Suggestion Thread

DuneDDuneD Registered Posts: 31
edited August 2011 in Tech Support #1
Post here any suggestion you have about either fixing things or balancing them.


  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Maybe a way of limiting weapons depending on ship core? I'm not asking for a strict system, but sometimes you get fighters with more pulse cannons than most capitals, and frigates with the max limit of every type of homing weapon.
    Also, maybe make SG Drones less undodgable.
    Your business is appreciated!

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    The fixed velocity on weapons like the Fighter Blaster, the Plasma Blaster and the Asgard Beam
    The E2 sbPlanets() function only returns an Empty array
    The model for the Huge Fusion Generator is not on the server (models/ce_ls3additional/fusion_generator/fusion_generator_huge.mdl)
    Asteroids inside planets/no PN crystals spawning
    The EMP does nothing to wire components

    All I can think of for now

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • noldevinnoldevin Registered Posts: 27
    Adv Hud Indicators:

    The HideHUD input works when the ent is set to always show, but not when linked to a vehicle.
    Would be great if it worked on vehicles too :)

    Doesn't set a variable to null if it already has an entity, when I think that's the whole point of it. Easy to work around, but still
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    noldevin wrote:
    Adv Hud Indicators:

    The HideHUD input works when the ent is set to always show, but not when linked to a vehicle.
    Would be great if it worked on vehicles too :)

    Doesn't set a variable to null if it already has an entity, when I think that's the whole point of it. Easy to work around, but still
    I would complain to the wire guys about these.

    Also, EntityVar = noentity()
  • noldevinnoldevin Registered Posts: 27
    Steeveeo wrote:
    Also, EntityVar = noentity()
    This does not work, that was my complaint :p

    Also, i know my requests are primarily the duties of wiremod developers, but surely our guys could fix it as well if they so chose to
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    noldevin wrote:
    Steeveeo wrote:
    Also, EntityVar = noentity()
    This does not work, that was my complaint :p

    Also, i know my requests are primarily the duties of wiremod developers, but surely our guys could fix it as well if they so chose to
    We could, but they'd be gone in the next wire update.
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    Unless we enforce exploitation of addon load order like I have been talking about for a year now.
  • noldevinnoldevin Registered Posts: 27
    Well here's one that isn't wire's responsibility, core enhancers:

    CPU enhancers should online first, or not require CPU to online, so that when you dupe your ship all of your enhancers online correctly.
  • MacTrekkieMacTrekkie Registered Posts: 12
    noldevin wrote:
    Well here's one that isn't wire's responsibility, core enhancers:

    CPU enhancers should online first, or not require CPU to online, so that when you dupe your ship all of your enhancers online correctly.
    Yes! I would love to not have to remove and respawn my core mods every time I dupe my ship just because the CPU enhancers spawned in the wrong order.
    "To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart, I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
    -Moby Dick
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • noldevinnoldevin Registered Posts: 27
    Yes, that E2 works, but it shouldn't be necessary.

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