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Suit longevity, smart linking your seat?

Ok, The suit lasting only like 2mins, is that really necessary?
I understand the point being a survival encouragement point of view, but let<s face it, it<s not really realistic, and above all, VERY annoying. Unless it<s been fixed recently, LS core arn<t working very well. I<m always relying on a suit cuz LS core ain<t providing LS properly.
And why have u took out the thing about smart linking your seat to a res cache to provide oxy, coolant and energy? The fact is, that if you have a suit able to control the ressources input and give it to you, you can in fact just plug a hose into your suit from your cache to provide you extended ressources.
Between the 2min suit, the LS core not doing his job and the removal of smart linking your seat, it<s not really funny to choke every 2min...
I<m kinda seeing a tendency to put certain mesures in place to create a "survival envirronement" setting. Try not to put too much constrains where the essencial success of the server, being building ship and fighting will become second task. You<r not the first to try to do it, just look at Rockstar when they<ve put food in GTA San andreas... did they kept the food thing in GTA4? of course not! and it wasn<t that much of a stress on the player, you would have to eat every couple of days but it was still too much.
I understand the point being a survival encouragement point of view, but let<s face it, it<s not really realistic, and above all, VERY annoying. Unless it<s been fixed recently, LS core arn<t working very well. I<m always relying on a suit cuz LS core ain<t providing LS properly.
And why have u took out the thing about smart linking your seat to a res cache to provide oxy, coolant and energy? The fact is, that if you have a suit able to control the ressources input and give it to you, you can in fact just plug a hose into your suit from your cache to provide you extended ressources.
Between the 2min suit, the LS core not doing his job and the removal of smart linking your seat, it<s not really funny to choke every 2min...
I<m kinda seeing a tendency to put certain mesures in place to create a "survival envirronement" setting. Try not to put too much constrains where the essencial success of the server, being building ship and fighting will become second task. You<r not the first to try to do it, just look at Rockstar when they<ve put food in GTA San andreas... did they kept the food thing in GTA4? of course not! and it wasn<t that much of a stress on the player, you would have to eat every couple of days but it was still too much.
"...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"
Oh so it<s not permanent, good
Also, what's with the '<' replacing your apostrophes?
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
Did he? Because he went off on me a few months back when I brought it up saying it wasn't 'realistic enough'.
Sadly, he still has yet to win me over for that mod, it just interferes with too much. Sometime within the next month or so, if I don't see any real performance differences or reliable reports of such, I'll remove it from the main as well.
Either way, zero progress has happened in more than a quarter of a year.
Well, lets discuss what would be best in an underlying system and move on from there.
I liked the way LS3 had one 'gas compressor' entity that was given parameters when spawned thus deciding what type it was. It cuts down on class count.
I liked the way central resource nodes worked, but I miss the ability to do easy auto-linking. Seeking the closes constrained node might make auto-linking a possibility again. Another option would be to bring back the old style from LS2 but have the code always generate and run an optimized background model of nodes, but I don't love that one.
I've made a post on snakeSVx forum but it havn't been posted yet since you have to be "validated" first.
I was thinking about about a diablo inventory like system where u setup your station on a 2d interface, where the actual prop(entity) would be a simple box or whatever, and every components would be informal only.
Then I was thinking, what about having e2 fonctions that would act as LS entities. Or have a chip that would gather a contraptions LS entities and wire and build a chip that would do everything your contraption do.
Anyway, I doubt we can do anything here but knock on SnakeSVx door but I'm just saying..
Low props version of EVERY CAF system entities would still be A LOT.
I'm always switching from french to US keyboard and It takes me a second or 2 to remember where the proper ' is so I sometime just press the french ' position(<)