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This is a tool that I am currently developing. It currently only has admin simulating commands, have a look.
It also features changing the alias of every command in the chip. Some of the commands are conflicting with ulx though.
It also features changing the alias of every command in the chip. Some of the commands are conflicting with ulx though.
@name Omnitool @persist Zoom Minzoom Maxzoom Zoomrate @persist Bear Elev X Y Z Pointer @persist [Date, Command, Return]:string @persist @persist @persist [Target]:entity @persist @persist [Ranger]:ranger @persist [G]:gtable @persist [Chat, Btarget, Players]:array @persist [Master]:table #[ Omni-tool set Version [Beta 0.2] Build 2 5/15/2011 Created by: Katelyn E. Sullivan 3/21/2011 Aim: Consta135 Yahoo: Consta135@ymail.com Live: Katelyn135@live.com E-mail: Katelyn135@gmail.com ]# if (first() | dupefinished()) { runOnFile(1) runOnChat(1) runOnTick(1) G = gTable("Omnitool") if (G["Count", number] > 0) { printColor(vec(255,0,0), "You already have an omni-tool chip spawned.") selfDestruct() } elseif (fileCanLoad()) { fileLoad("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt") G["Count", number] = G["Count", number] + 1 printColor(vec(0,255,255), "Omni-tool loading...") runOnLast(1) } else { printColor(vec(255,0,0), "File can not be loaded at this moment. Please respaste your omni-tool.") selfDestruct() } Target = owner() Minzoom = 100 Maxzoom = 3000 Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8 Zoomrate = Maxzoom / 2000 rangerPersist(1) rangerHitEntities(0) rangerHitWater(0) rangerIgnoreWorld(0) entity():setSolid(0) entity():setAlpha(0) entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500)) findByClass("player") Players = findToArray() } if (last()) { G["Count", number] = G["Count", number] - 1 } if (fileClk()) { Date = "Omnilog" + toString(time("year") + time("month") + time("day")) if (fileStatus() == _FILE_OK) { Master = glonDecodeTable(fileRead()) } else { A = array() B = table() C = table() Alias = table() B["test", string] = "test" B["teleport", string] = "teleport" B["tele", string] = "teleport" B["tp", string] = "teleport" B["bring", string] = "bring" B["brng", string] = "bring" B["goto", string] = "goto" B["go", string] = "goto" B["spectate", string] = "spectate" B["spec", string] = "spectate" B["hide", string] = "hide" B["alias", string] = "alias" D = table() D["index", string] = "color" B["color", table] = D:clone() B["designator", string] = "?" C["alias", table] = B:clone() B:clear() B["error", vector] = vec(255, 0, 0) B["notification", vector] = vec(0, 128, 255) B["target", vector] = vec(255, 128, 0) B["queryerror", vector] = vec(255, 0, 128) B["input", vector] = vec(0, 0, 255) C["colors", table] = B:clone() Master["cmd", table] = C:clone() fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master)) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["error", vector], "There was a problem loading your configuration file. If this is your first time running this, disregard this message. !Help for more information.") } } if (chatClk(owner()) & lastSaid()[1] == Master["cmd", table]["alias", table]["designator", string] & lastSaid()[2] != "") { Cmd = lastSaid():trim():lower():explode(" ") Cmd[1, string] = Cmd[1, string]:sub(2) if (Master["cmd", table]["alias", table]:exists(Cmd[1, string])) { Cmd[1, string] = Master["cmd", table]["alias", table][Cmd[1, string], string] } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[1, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.") } if (Cmd[1, string] == "test") { print("Success") } #Command Teleport# if (Cmd[1, string] == "teleport") { if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0) { findByClass("Player") findClipToName(Cmd[2, string]) Results = findToArray() if (Results:count() == 1) { if (find():trusts(owner())) { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], owner():aimPos():toString()) find():setPosition(owner():aimPos() + vec(0,0,50)) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.") } } elseif (Results:count() > 1) { Return = "" for (K = 1, Results:count()) { Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n" } printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string]) } } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "self", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], owner():aimPos():toString()) owner():setPosition(owner():aimPos() + vec(0,0,50)) } } #Command Goto# if (Cmd[1, string] == "goto") { if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0) { findByClass("Player") findClipToName(Cmd[2, string]) Results = findToArray() if (Results:count() == 1) { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name()) owner():setPosition(find():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50)) } elseif (Results:count() > 1) { Return = "" for (K = 1, Results:count()) { Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n" } printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string]) } } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "You need to specify someone to teleport to.") } } #Command Bring# if (Cmd[1, string] == "bring") { if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0) { findByClass("Player") findClipToName(Cmd[2, string]) Results = findToArray() if (Results:count() == 1) { Target = find() if (Cmd[3, string]:length() > 0) { timer("bring", 50) } else { if (find():trusts(owner())) { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Bringing ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "self") Target:setPosition(owner():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50)) Target = owner() } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.") } } } elseif (Results:count() > 1) { Return = "" for (K = 1, Results:count()) { Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n" } printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned for first phrase\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for first phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string]) } } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "You need to specify someone to teleport to.") } } #Command Spectate# if (Cmd[1, string] == "spectate") { lastSpoke():setAlpha(0) if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0) { findByClass("Player") findClipToName(Cmd[2, string]) Results = findToArray() if (Results:count() == 1) { Target = find() printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name()) Master["spectate", number] = 1 } elseif (Results:count() > 1) { Return = "" for (K = 1, Results:count()) { Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n" } printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string]) } for (K = 1, Players:count()) { if (Players[K, entity] == Target) { Pointer = K } } } elseif (Master["spectate", number]) { Master["spectate", number] = 0 printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "No longer spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Target:name()) owner():setAlpha(255) Target = owner() hudRemoveElement(211) Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8 owner():setView(0, vec(), ang()) } } #Command Hide# if (Cmd[1, string] == "hide") { if (Cmd[2, string] == "1" | Cmd[2, string] == "on") { entity():setSolid(0) entity():setAlpha(0) Master["hide", number] = 1 entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500)) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Hiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip") } elseif (Cmd[2, string] == "0" | Cmd[2, string] == "off") { entity():setSolid(1) entity():setAlpha(255) Master["hide", number] = 0 entity():setPosition(owner():aimPos()) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Unhiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip") } elseif (Cmd[2, string] == "") { if (Master["hide", number] == 0) { entity():setSolid(0) entity():setAlpha(0) Master["hide", number] = 1 entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500)) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Hiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip") } else { entity():setSolid(1) entity():setAlpha(255) Master["hide", number] = 0 entity():setPosition(owner():aimPos()) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Unhiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip") } } } #alias if (Cmd[1, string] == "alias") { Reg = Cmd:clone() Reg:shift() Reg:shift() Level = Master["cmd", table]["alias", table] if (Reg:count() > 1) { for (I = 1, Reg:count() - 1) { Level = Level[Reg[I, string], table] } } if (Level:exists(Cmd[2, string])) { if (Level:exists(Cmd[3, string])) { Level[Cmd[2, string], string] = Level[Cmd[3, string], string] fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master)) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Replacing alias \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\" with command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\"") } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.") } } else { if (Level:exists(Cmd[3, string])) { Level[Cmd[2, string], string] = Level[Cmd[3, string], string] fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master)) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Creating alias \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\" for command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector],"\"") } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.") } } } hideChat(1) } if (Master["spectate", number]) { Zoom = Zoom + ((owner():keyJump() - owner():keyDuck()) * Zoomrate) Zoom = clamp(Zoom, Minzoom, Maxzoom) Bear = owner():eyeAngles():yaw() Elev = owner():eyeAngles():pitch() + 90 X = Zoom * cos(Bear) * sin(Elev) Y = Zoom * sin(Bear) * sin(Elev) Z = Zoom * cos(Elev) if (Zoom != Minzoom) { if (((Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z)):isInWorld()) { owner():setView(1, (Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z), ang(Elev - 90, Bear, 0)) } else { Ranger = rangerOffset(Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30), (Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z)) owner():setView(1, Ranger:position(), ang(Elev - 90, Bear, 0)) } } else { owner():setView(1, Target:pos() + vec(0,0,65), Target:eyeAngles()) } if (changed(owner():keyForward()) & owner():keyForward()) { Pointer = (Pointer == Players:count() ? 1 : Pointer + 1) Target = Players[Pointer, entity] } if (changed(owner():keyBack()) & owner():keyBack()) { Pointer = (Pointer == 1 ? Players:count() : Pointer - 1) Target = Players[Pointer, entity] } hudDrawText(211, "Spectating " + Target:name(), 50, 10, vec(222, 122, 122), 255, 1, 0.3) if (changed(owner():keyReload()) & owner():keyReload()) { Master["spectate", number] = 0 printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "No longer spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Target:name()) owner():setAlpha(255) hudRemoveElement(211) Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8 owner():setView(0, vec(), ang()) printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Players[Pointer, entity]:name()) owner():setPosition((Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z)) Target = owner() } } if (clk("bring")) { findByClass("Player") findClipToName(Cmd[3, string]) Results = findToArray() if (Results:count() == 1) { if (find():trusts(owner())) { printColor(vec(255,255,0), "Bringing ", vec(255, 0, 0), Target:name(), vec(255,255,0), " to ", vec(255,0,0), find():name()) Target:setPosition(find():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50)) } else { printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.") } } elseif (Results:count() > 1) { Return = "" for (K = 1, Results:count()) { Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n" } printColor(vec(255,255,0), "Multiple results returned for second phrase\n", vec(255,0,0), Return) } else { printColor(vec(255,255,0), "No results found for second phrase: ", vec(255,0,0), Cmd[2, string]) } Target = owner() } if (changed(numPlayers())) { findByClass("player") Players = findToArray() if (Pointer > Players:count()) { Pointer = Players:count() } }
I can try to find my function simulating chip pair if you are interested. Was basically 1 chip did the calling and the other had all the functions that took params off global tables and such.
I have renewed interest in this project, so be expecting an update soon.