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KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
edited May 2011 in Showcase #1
This is a tool that I am currently developing. It currently only has admin simulating commands, have a look.

It also features changing the alias of every command in the chip. Some of the commands are conflicting with ulx though.
@name Omnitool
@persist Zoom Minzoom Maxzoom Zoomrate 
@persist Bear Elev X Y Z Pointer
@persist [Date, Command, Return]:string
@persist [Target]:entity
@persist [Ranger]:ranger
@persist [G]:gtable
@persist [Chat, Btarget, Players]:array
@persist [Master]:table

Omni-tool set
Version [Beta 0.2] Build 2

Created by: Katelyn E. Sullivan

Aim:      Consta135
Yahoo:    Consta135@ymail.com
Live:     Katelyn135@live.com
E-mail:   Katelyn135@gmail.com

if (first() | dupefinished())

    G = gTable("Omnitool")
    if (G["Count", number] > 0)
        printColor(vec(255,0,0), "You already have an omni-tool chip spawned.")
    elseif (fileCanLoad())
        G["Count", number] = G["Count", number] + 1
        printColor(vec(0,255,255), "Omni-tool loading...")
        printColor(vec(255,0,0), "File can not be loaded at this moment. Please respaste your omni-tool.")
    Target = owner()
    Minzoom = 100
    Maxzoom = 3000
    Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8
    Zoomrate = Maxzoom / 2000
    entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500))
    Players = findToArray()
if (last())
    G["Count", number] =  G["Count", number] - 1
if (fileClk())
    Date = "Omnilog" + toString(time("year") + time("month") + time("day"))
    if (fileStatus() == _FILE_OK)
        Master = glonDecodeTable(fileRead())
        A = array()
        B = table()
        C = table()
        Alias = table()
        B["test", string] = "test"

        B["teleport", string] = "teleport"
        B["tele", string] = "teleport"
        B["tp", string] = "teleport"

        B["bring", string] = "bring"
        B["brng", string] = "bring"
        B["goto", string] = "goto"
        B["go", string] = "goto"

        B["spectate", string] = "spectate"
        B["spec", string] = "spectate"

        B["hide", string] = "hide"

        B["alias", string] = "alias"
        D = table()
        D["index", string] = "color"
        B["color", table] = D:clone()

        B["designator", string] = "?"
        C["alias", table] = B:clone()

        B["error", vector] = vec(255, 0, 0)
        B["notification", vector] = vec(0, 128, 255)
        B["target", vector] = vec(255, 128, 0)
        B["queryerror", vector] = vec(255, 0, 128)
        B["input", vector] = vec(0, 0, 255)
        C["colors", table] = B:clone()
        Master["cmd", table] = C:clone()
        fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master))
        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["error", vector], "There was a problem loading your configuration file. If this is your first time running this, disregard this message. !Help for more information.")

if (chatClk(owner()) & lastSaid()[1] == Master["cmd", table]["alias", table]["designator", string] & lastSaid()[2] != "")
    Cmd = lastSaid():trim():lower():explode(" ")
    Cmd[1, string] = Cmd[1, string]:sub(2)
    if (Master["cmd", table]["alias", table]:exists(Cmd[1, string]))
        Cmd[1, string] = Master["cmd", table]["alias", table][Cmd[1, string], string]
        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[1, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.")
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "test")
#Command Teleport#
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "teleport")
        if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0)
            findClipToName(Cmd[2, string])
            Results = findToArray()
            if (Results:count() == 1)
                if (find():trusts(owner()))
                    printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], owner():aimPos():toString())   
                    find():setPosition(owner():aimPos() + vec(0,0,50))
                    printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.")
            elseif (Results:count() > 1)
                Return = ""
                for (K = 1, Results:count())
                    Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n"
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return)
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string])
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "self", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], owner():aimPos():toString())   
            owner():setPosition(owner():aimPos() + vec(0,0,50))
#Command Goto#
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "goto")
        if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0)
            findClipToName(Cmd[2, string])
            Results = findToArray()
            if (Results:count() == 1)
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name())   
                owner():setPosition(find():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50))
            elseif (Results:count() > 1)
                Return = ""
                for (K = 1, Results:count())
                    Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n"
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return)
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string])
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "You need to specify someone to teleport to.")
#Command Bring#
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "bring")
        if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0)
            findClipToName(Cmd[2, string])
            Results = findToArray()
            if (Results:count() == 1)
                Target = find()
                if (Cmd[3, string]:length() > 0)
                    timer("bring", 50)
                    if (find():trusts(owner()))
                        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Bringing ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], " to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "self")   
                        Target:setPosition(owner():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50))
                        Target = owner()
                        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.")
            elseif (Results:count() > 1)
                Return = ""
                for (K = 1, Results:count())
                    Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n"
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned for first phrase\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return)
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for first phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string])
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "You need to specify someone to teleport to.")
#Command Spectate#
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "spectate")

        if (Cmd[2, string]:length() > 0)
            findClipToName(Cmd[2, string])
            Results = findToArray()
            if (Results:count() == 1)
                Target = find()   
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name())   
                Master["spectate", number] = 1
            elseif (Results:count() > 1)
                Return = ""
                for (K = 1, Results:count())
                    Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n"
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Multiple results returned\n", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Return)
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "No results found for phrase: ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string])
            for (K = 1, Players:count())
                if (Players[K, entity] == Target)
                    Pointer = K
        elseif (Master["spectate", number])
            Master["spectate", number] = 0
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "No longer spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Target:name())
            Target = owner()
            Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8
            owner():setView(0, vec(), ang())
#Command Hide#
    if (Cmd[1, string] == "hide")
        if (Cmd[2, string] == "1" | Cmd[2, string] == "on")
            Master["hide", number] = 1
            entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500))
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Hiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip")
        elseif (Cmd[2, string] == "0" | Cmd[2, string] == "off")
            Master["hide", number] = 0
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Unhiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip")
        elseif (Cmd[2, string] == "")
            if (Master["hide", number] == 0)
                Master["hide", number] = 1
                entity():setPosition(randvec(-16500, 16500))
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Hiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip")
                Master["hide", number] = 0
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], "Unhiding ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "the chip")

    if (Cmd[1, string] == "alias")
        Reg = Cmd:clone()
        Level = Master["cmd", table]["alias", table]
        if (Reg:count() > 1)
            for (I = 1, Reg:count() - 1)
                Level = Level[Reg[I, string], table]
        if (Level:exists(Cmd[2, string]))
            if (Level:exists(Cmd[3, string]))
                Level[Cmd[2, string], string] = Level[Cmd[3, string], string]
                fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master))
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Replacing alias \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\" with command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\"")
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.")
            if (Level:exists(Cmd[3, string]))
                Level[Cmd[2, string], string] = Level[Cmd[3, string], string]
                fileWrite("KateKollection/Omnitool.txt", glonEncode(Master))
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Creating alias \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[2, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "\" for command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector],"\"")
                printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "The command \"", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Cmd[3, string], Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "\" does not exist.")

if (Master["spectate", number])
    Zoom = Zoom + ((owner():keyJump() - owner():keyDuck()) * Zoomrate)
    Zoom = clamp(Zoom, Minzoom, Maxzoom)
    Bear = owner():eyeAngles():yaw()
    Elev = owner():eyeAngles():pitch() + 90
    X = Zoom * cos(Bear) * sin(Elev)
    Y = Zoom * sin(Bear) * sin(Elev)
    Z = Zoom * cos(Elev)
    if (Zoom != Minzoom)
        if (((Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z)):isInWorld())
            owner():setView(1, (Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z), ang(Elev - 90, Bear, 0))
            Ranger = rangerOffset(Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30), (Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z))
            owner():setView(1, Ranger:position(), ang(Elev - 90, Bear, 0))
        owner():setView(1, Target:pos() + vec(0,0,65), Target:eyeAngles())
    if (changed(owner():keyForward()) & owner():keyForward())
        Pointer = (Pointer == Players:count() ? 1 : Pointer + 1)
        Target = Players[Pointer, entity]
    if (changed(owner():keyBack()) & owner():keyBack())
        Pointer = (Pointer == 1 ? Players:count() : Pointer - 1)
        Target = Players[Pointer, entity]
    hudDrawText(211, "Spectating " + Target:name(), 50, 10, vec(222, 122, 122), 255, 1, 0.3)
    if (changed(owner():keyReload()) & owner():keyReload())
        Master["spectate", number] = 0
        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "No longer spectating ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Target:name())
        Zoom = (Maxzoom - Minzoom) / 8
        owner():setView(0, vec(), ang())
        printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["notification", vector], "Teleporting to ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], Players[Pointer, entity]:name())   
        owner():setPosition((Target:pos() + vec(0,0,30)) - vec(X, Y, Z))
        Target = owner()

if (clk("bring"))
    findClipToName(Cmd[3, string])
    Results = findToArray()
    if (Results:count() == 1)
        if (find():trusts(owner()))
            printColor(vec(255,255,0), "Bringing ", vec(255, 0, 0), Target:name(), vec(255,255,0), " to ", vec(255,0,0), find():name())   
            Target:setPosition(find():pos() + vec(randint(50, 100), randint(50, 100), 50))
            printColor(Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], "Player ", Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["input", vector], find():name(), Master["cmd", table]["colors", table]["queryerror", vector], " does not trust you. Have them add you to their Prop Protection.")
    elseif (Results:count() > 1)
        Return = ""
        for (K = 1, Results:count())
            Return = Return + Results[K, entity]:name() + "\n"
        printColor(vec(255,255,0), "Multiple results returned for second phrase\n", vec(255,0,0), Return)
        printColor(vec(255,255,0), "No results found for second phrase: ", vec(255,0,0), Cmd[2, string])
    Target = owner()

if (changed(numPlayers()))
    Players = findToArray()
    if (Pointer > Players:count())
        Pointer = Players:count()


  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    That is why all my commands by E2 start with ? isntead of !. I started that way way way back with the asgard teleporter that mirrored all the non-easy-as-hell-to-minge admin teleport commands. Though I open my chips to all to use then I place them if they are like that (I restrict parts of them) so I guess that means both ! and ? are sort of taken...

    I can try to find my function simulating chip pair if you are interested. Was basically 1 chip did the calling and the other had all the functions that took params off global tables and such.
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    A quick update on the status of this chip. I've developed a very very nice way to do command customization dependent arguments (IE Select Sphere 1024)[Red being an argument of the command Select] It actually supports an infinite number of dependent arguments.

    I have renewed interest in this project, so be expecting an update soon.

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