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Technic launcher

I have done all I can, but I can't get this fucking technic launcher to work. I've tried the standalone program and tried opening the .jar with Java. Nothing. Works. All it does when I open the .jar is just leave that stupid splash screen and do nothing else. It also puts some files in .techniclauncher in appdata. 3 folders, one of them has 2 files, Launcher_0.log and Launcher_0.log.lck. The other folders have nothing in them. There is one file named launcher.properties. I have done all i can think to do. Cleaned out my minecraft several times. Installed MANY different Java platforms. Even fucked with the registry a bit. Nothing. I am running Windows 7 Enterprise x64. I have both the 32 and 64 bit versions of JRE. I have JDK x64 installed aswell. Nothing.
Please tell me how to fix this.
Please tell me how to fix this.
Every Human Being has some capacity for evil. It's just that some Humans have a greater capacity for evil than others.
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First off, go to your %appdata% folder and delete ".techniclauncher/" so we can get this started fresh. Next, go to your task manager (ctrl+alt+delete or ctrl+shift+esc, either works) on the Processes tab and check to see if "java.exe" or "javaw.exe" are running; close them if they are.
Next, rerun the jar file and see if it finally gets to the launcher screen (the one that says "Hello, player!") and has the login area at the lower right). If that doesn't work, redo the first step and continue on.
Finally, if that doesn't work, go to where "technic-launcher-latest.jar" is located and create a new text document (right-click -> new -> Text Document). Rename it to something like RUN.bat. Note: if you don't have file extensions visible, you will need to enable those in order for this to work (Control Panel -> Folder Options -> [View] tab -> Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"). Right-click RUN.bat and hit edit.
In this file, write the following: If you run this and the window that pops up says something like "java.exe not found" or whatever, locate your java installation and replace "C:\Program Files\Java..." with the path to where you actually installed it.
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