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Ship core not making SUP energy
I've supplied the ship core with water and oxygen, hooked it up to a resource node, etc. just like the changelog page says...and nothing. It appears to be working, just no support energy. I'm new to this...lend a guy a hand?
Just so you know, though: Fusion Reactors, if supplied with a Battery, Heavy Water, and are in the same network as a Ship Core, can also generate Support Energy. I actually prefer using them over Ship Cores for bigger vessels.
And by the way, welcome to Diaspora. Don't listen to the guy with the battlecruiser who wants you to leave the spawn planet for mysterious reasons, do remember to pour water on your fusion reactor, and never, ever use Shield Stingers because they are bloody useless.
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
...No. Why would it default to sucking up all your resources? That's extremely silly.