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Change Log for Feb 13 - Feb 19

SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
edited February 2011 in Change Logs #1
[*][FORUM] - Opened up "What's In Store" section to all users so they can give feedback on ideas for potential server modifications. Note, this is NOT a suggestion area, all suggestions will be moved on sight.[/*][/list]


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    [list][*] [UPDATE] - Updated Wire Mod. It appears that they fixed some more things related to the Adv. Duplicator, problems should be more or less fixed now.[/*][/list]
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    [*][FIX] - Fixed an error on the Laser Blaster when the X, Y, Z inputs were wired, it would error to the console, sometimes a WHOLE lot, may have even temporarily froze the server at one point. Should be fine now.[/*]
    [*][FIX] - Fixed a nasty little error in the Shield entity that would absolutely spam to the server console whenever someone touched something to a shield (including shots). Line 424 of the effect, SetStart was trying to use an entity instead of the required Vector input, changed to SetStart(e:GetPos()).[/*][/list]

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