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Server Restarts
I would like to ask for the ability to restart the servers, i have a long standing history going back into the mcbuild days to show that i can be trusted with said privileges. Might not be needed when steevo gets back, but can't hurt either.
Not sure if this goes here, seemed like the best places to put it.
Not sure if this goes here, seemed like the best places to put it.
i dont see a problem with it.
the eternal pain in our beloved superadmins asses. Does stuff.
400+ hours they have obviously proven that they are dedicated and its not like Restart button is incredibly abusable as it is easy to track who uses it.
It is actually not easy to track who uses the restart buttons, as there is no logging on that. Also, access to the Restart button also gives access to the Stop and Start buttons. If someone who is not acting in the interest of the servers gets a hold of that, they can potentially bring the server down for hours, depending on who gets on to fix the problem.
As for Daracon: I am all for it, I remember how good of an admin you were back on McBuilds, and I would be pleased to have you on the team again for the new community.