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Issues with the prop protection

viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
edited May 2011 in Tech Support #1
well, I was trying to get a mobile platform controller system set up, and noticed I couldn't do anything with the platform itself, and when its duped it seems to no longer be an entity, I think the prop protection isn't setting the ownership of it or something, sorry if this is confusing but I'm half asleep and cant think


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    I don't remember the mobile platform controller ever really working right, so I don't think this is the prop protection's fault. However I may be wrong since I haven't been in lately. :P
  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    nah, before the prop protection change it was working perfectly, its definatly the PP
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Could also be the fact that I deleted most of the SBEP_Experimental.
  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    nah, it seems that the platform movement code of it works fine, becuase it'll stick with its controler, its just that because the platform itself is owned by the world for some reason, the prop protection makes it so you can only mess with the controler, so you can still wire it, but after duping it becomes a normal prop again
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    viperfan7 wrote:
    nah, it seems that the platform movement code of it works fine, becuase it'll stick with its controler, its just that because the platform itself is owned by the world for some reason, the prop protection makes it so you can only mess with the controler, so you can still wire it, but after duping it becomes a normal prop again
    Sounds like an issue in the dupe method then. Most other things in SBEP work with Prop Protection, and I think even doors overcame a similar issue. Anything in SBEP_Experimental is, by nature, buggy as hell.

    EDIT: Removed some idiotic posts. Don't mong up the forums, please. You two know who you are and you have done too much of that already.

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