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Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
edited April 2011 in Suggestions #1

1. Ability to edit properties of planets through a text file
2. Much Faster Environment Checking
3. A Spacesuit
4. 3D Visor Style Hud while wearing suit helmet
5. Ship/Station Atmospheres that stay inside the ship
6. Compatibility with most LS3 devices
7. Realistic effects of environments on your spacesuit, such as heat conduction (no instant temperature changes like SB)
8. Random Events Such as Meteor Showers, Earthquakes, or Asteroid Impacts
9. A serverside logging system that can be accessed from the client
10. Many future updates to come :D

Life Support: Instead of using the default LS3 life support like the climate reg or gravity reg, this addon uses an entity called the LS Core that is under the entities tab. It will make the interior of a ship that is welded together have a single atmosphere that you can only breathe in when inside the ship. To use it, simply spawn, weld it to your ship, link it to your network, and turn it on.

Spacesuit: to take the helmet of your spacesuit on and off along with its hud, simply press F2. Be warned, you can't survive in space and on most other planets without this.

NOTE: When you install be sure to remove the LS3 Core and the SB lua folder if they are already on the server.
REQUIREMENTS: LS3 and RD3 for refilling your spacesuit

Pics are on thread and show how lagless it is with like 100 ships and the net_Graph being really low still.
The quieter you are,the more you are able to hear.


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Taking a look now. If this ends up working out really well, then.. Well. I see absolutely no reason not to use it.

    The one thing I am wondering about, however.. is the E2 functions we have regarding Spacebuild, and if they will conflict with this, or at worst, not even work.

    Also, it looks like he wants to get rid of LS3, something I do not want to do. And now that I recall, a lot of the way certain addons work is through SB3 functions. Do you know if he is changing these at all?
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    I remember this! Smoot was trying to get it on the server before when it first came out. I don't think it went over well, but he probably has improved it. I even see him posting on that thread. I didn't care for it myself, it was interesting though.
  • Mr.Niceguy976Mr.Niceguy976 Registered Posts: 33
    This looks like the best thing since spacebuild for spacebuild! Put it in NAO!
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Working on it, guys. If this works as well as the person says it will, you bet your ass we'll be using it.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    Okay to be %100 sure the SB lua folder is Gmod/gmod/addons/sb3/lua yes?
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
    Killer wrote:
    Okay to be %100 sure the SB lua folder is Gmod/gmod/addons/sb3/lua yes?
    But i wouldnt bother installing this on local,not much use for it.
    The quieter you are,the more you are able to hear.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    It is. It has materials/models that could prove to be useful. I'd keep it.

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