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NormallyClosedSwitchNormallyClosedSwitch Registered Posts: 137
edited April 2011 in In the Media #1


2 Little videos I wanted to share in awe

Are we alone? Hummm I don't know.... *facepalm*
"...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"


  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    You should check out the Hubble deep field. They aimed the Hubble telescope at a small part of the sky for like, two weeks and came up with a picture of hundreds of galaxies.

    Unfortunately, the Hubble is scheduled to be decommissioned soon. They are launching one with more sophisticated equipment on it, but they're not calling it the Hubble 2 LIKE THEY SHOULD! It will be the James Webb space telescope. It will be launched some time after June 2014.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    Thank you NC some of my freinds now finally get what I mean when I say "You cannot even comprehend the size of the universe" it was all very cool thank you for sharing!
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    This one makes me grin and just makes me feel happy every time I hear it:
    I forgot how much I loved the Apollo missions
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!

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