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Donate Button

Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
edited March 2011 in Suggestions #1
Something like on the website would be nice.

"If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I have one made, actually. I can put it here, I suppose. Problem is, the money would go to me. I'm not going to steal it or anything, but I don't know if Steeveeo would be comfortable with that. Also, in order to use the server's paypal, a credit card needs to be registered. Which kinda bites.
  • Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
    I personally don't really have a problem with donating to a private paypal account, I know that at least one other server I play on does the same thing for donations. As for credit cards... Yeah, I'm having similar problems in that regard, so best of luck solving that issue.
    "If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Steeveeo is pretty much my partner in terms of the Community. I mentioned it to him, haven't gotten a response yet.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    I would much prefer to use something like Google Checkout, or anything not-PayPal for that matter. I've heard way too many horror stories about PayPal and their questionable service.

    Eventually, I would like to figure out how to link Google Checkout into the forums, most likely after we figure out how to link the servers in as well, and setup VIP ranks that can be purchased through that system.
  • EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
    I am using paypal too, never really had problems with it.. as for the donations, as long as it comes to the right use, I wouldn't even mind giving it to a homeless mexican (Just saying, I don't hate mexicans or anything <.<)
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Steeveeo wrote:
    I would much prefer to use something like Google Checkout, or anything not-PayPal for that matter. I've heard way too many horror stories about PayPal and their questionable service.

    Eventually, I would like to figure out how to link Google Checkout into the forums, most likely after we figure out how to link the servers in as well, and setup VIP ranks that can be purchased through that system.

    I've never had trouble with Paypal. Unless you're doing shady things with it, they aren't going to screw with you at all. They're as Legit as a bank. Though that's not saying much, I suppose.. But hey, we still let them handle our money.

    Google, on the other hand.. I don't know. They've got some serious privacy issues.

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