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Public Brainstorming - Weapon Mods

Hello, Diasporans!
I've been mulling this idea over in my head for some time, and I'd like to get it down on paper with some input from the active public. Basically, we're already planning a sort of "crafting" system for the weapons on our servers. You would use the minerals you get from mining (that currently do not have a use) in order to make weapons and components with different statistics. A good example of the idea we're going for was how crafting worked (at least in the early open-beta) in Firefall, where different minerals were better for different stats.
I'm currently thinking of going even MORE in-depth with this idea, where you can craft "Modifiers" which would allow for that extra bit of min-maxing that I know each and every one of you love to do. Essentially, one would take one of the modifiers below and craft it into their weapon during whatever creation process we end up with; for example, "Smooth Bore Barrel" would increase fire rate, but decrease accuracy and damage.
Now, I would like to hear some ideas from the public on this as well, because I can only be so creative. I don't know if this will ever actually be a thing, but it could end up sprouting out other ideas that will eventually get implemented on our servers. Either way, let's do some brainstorming!
Note: I'm going to separate the ideas we have into their applicable weapon categories, with a section for "General" mods which apply to all weapons.
General Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Extended Clip/Batteries - More ammo stored in the weapon in exchange for reload speed (beam duration for beam-type weapons).[/*]
[*]Unreliable - Gun can randomly "jam" for a set period of time in exchange for buffs to all stats (or more points to put into the base stats, if applicable).[/*][/list]
Cannon-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Smooth Bore Barrel - Increases firing speed for decreased damage and accuracy.[/*]
[*]Large Caliber Ammunition - Increases damage while decreasing firing speed and accuracy.[/*]
[*]Extended Barrel - Increases range, velocity, and accuracy in exchange for firing speed and damage.[/*][/list]
Missile-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Dumbfire - Missile cannot track targets, but does increased damage.[/*]
[*]Enhanced Tracking - Improved speed and turning, less damage.[/*]
[*]High-Yield Payload - Greatly increased damage and AOE, but reduced velocity, turning, reload speed, and ammo count.[/*][/list]
Plasma-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]High-Energy Plasma - Increased damage and velocity, decreased firing speed and reload rate.[/*][/list]
Beam-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Enhanced Optics - Increased damage and range, decreased recharge speed and beam duration.[/*][/list]
I've been mulling this idea over in my head for some time, and I'd like to get it down on paper with some input from the active public. Basically, we're already planning a sort of "crafting" system for the weapons on our servers. You would use the minerals you get from mining (that currently do not have a use) in order to make weapons and components with different statistics. A good example of the idea we're going for was how crafting worked (at least in the early open-beta) in Firefall, where different minerals were better for different stats.
I'm currently thinking of going even MORE in-depth with this idea, where you can craft "Modifiers" which would allow for that extra bit of min-maxing that I know each and every one of you love to do. Essentially, one would take one of the modifiers below and craft it into their weapon during whatever creation process we end up with; for example, "Smooth Bore Barrel" would increase fire rate, but decrease accuracy and damage.
Now, I would like to hear some ideas from the public on this as well, because I can only be so creative. I don't know if this will ever actually be a thing, but it could end up sprouting out other ideas that will eventually get implemented on our servers. Either way, let's do some brainstorming!
Note: I'm going to separate the ideas we have into their applicable weapon categories, with a section for "General" mods which apply to all weapons.
General Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Extended Clip/Batteries - More ammo stored in the weapon in exchange for reload speed (beam duration for beam-type weapons).[/*]
[*]Unreliable - Gun can randomly "jam" for a set period of time in exchange for buffs to all stats (or more points to put into the base stats, if applicable).[/*][/list]
Cannon-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Smooth Bore Barrel - Increases firing speed for decreased damage and accuracy.[/*]
[*]Large Caliber Ammunition - Increases damage while decreasing firing speed and accuracy.[/*]
[*]Extended Barrel - Increases range, velocity, and accuracy in exchange for firing speed and damage.[/*][/list]
Missile-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Dumbfire - Missile cannot track targets, but does increased damage.[/*]
[*]Enhanced Tracking - Improved speed and turning, less damage.[/*]
[*]High-Yield Payload - Greatly increased damage and AOE, but reduced velocity, turning, reload speed, and ammo count.[/*][/list]
Plasma-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]High-Energy Plasma - Increased damage and velocity, decreased firing speed and reload rate.[/*][/list]
Beam-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Enhanced Optics - Increased damage and range, decreased recharge speed and beam duration.[/*][/list]
[list][*]MultiSpectrum Lens - Beam becomes moderately inaccurate (cone of fire), deals +25% more damage, but uses more cap.[/*][/list]
Missile Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Quad-Injection Fuel Tanks - When a homing missile is fired, it now has +45% speed and turning, but it dies seven seconds after launch.[/*]
[*]E.M Pulse Warheads - Missile deals 75% EM Damage, 25% Explosive Damage, but now does 25% less damage overall.[/*][/list]
General Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Overload - Gives the weapon an input that when triggered, boosts fire rate, reload speed and damage by 50% for ten seconds, but after that the weapon has -50% to everything for ten seconds, and has -7% to all stats when mod is equipped.[/*]
[*]Sabotage Ammo - 'Sabotage' ammunition does 75% less damage, but uses EM disruption technology on hit to give the target ship core stacks of -3% weapon damage for a max of -17%.[/*]
[*]Flytrap Ammo - 'Flytrap' ammunition does 75% less damage, but uses disruption technology on hit to destabilize the target's warp drive and give stacks of -3% gyropod speed for a max of 17%.[/*]
[*]Source Engine Ammo - On impact, 'Source Engine' ammo causes the entire target ship to turn into a huge spaz of props, print something in console about intersecting renderbounds fifty times, then transform into a medkit model after five seconds. While this is happening, no player or ship can move for lag, and afterwards noclip is permanently broken until map change and all playermodels are offset 75 source units from their player entity.[/*][/list]
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
[list][*]Jovian Upgrade - Depletes a value equal to 35% of the capacitor cost of the weapon of [INSERT HIGH VALUE RESOURCE HERE] from the Core Hold in exchange for a 5% boost to all stats).[/*][/list]
Cannon-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Flakk Ammunition - Drastically reduces clip size and fire rate, but the weapon fires 25% of it's clip in one shotgun like burst.[/*]
[*]Exotic Ammunition - Increased resource cost and reduced clip size, but shells do an additional 25% damage of a random type.[/*]
[*]Silencer - Silences weapon and hides muzzle flash, but reduces velocity.[/*]
[*]Enhanced Kinetics - Base Damage reduced by 10%, but kinetic damage is increased exponentially by up to 400% based on target velocity[/*][/list]
Missile-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Disruptive Payload - Reduced fire rate and damage, but a 5% chance on hit to set a random attached core modification to offline for 30 seconds.[/*]
[*]Smart Payload - Missile is cloaked, silent and does an additional 25% damage, but resource cost and reload time are drastically increased, and fire rate and ammo count is reduced.[/*]
[*]EMP - Drastically Reduced fire rate and damage, but stops capacitor recharge for 2 seconds on hit.[/*][/list]
Plasma-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Radioactive - Damage reduced by 30%, but does damage to closest player to the hit entity if there is one within 200 units.[/*][/list]
Beam-Type Weapon Mods:
[list][*]Ionising - Weapon Damage is reduced by 25%, but 75% of the remaining damage is taken straight out of the damaged core's capacitor instead of HP. Beam is coloured Blue[/*]
[*]Focusing Lens - Weapon Damage is reduced by 50%, but provided the entity hit has class "prop_physics" there is a 0.5% chance (per damage tick) to delete the entity. Beam is coloured Red[/*]
[*]Rainbow Lens - Capacitor Drain is increased by 5%, but beam colour is randomly changed every time the weapon is fired[/*][/list]
Edit: I'm rolling things out in a certain order, please do not touch.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
I think I briefly covered this in the big bad list of things.
Edit: I'm also kinda amused because this is actually the next thing on my todo list after flushing out the weapon features.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
[list][*]Sabot-Kappa Rounds - When a round from this weapon hits a target ship, it does a trace in front of the projectile. The longer the distance from the impact point to where it exits the target ship (i.e how far the shell penetrates), the more damage is dealt. This damage is calculated such a normal shot to the flank of a ship does less damage than a regular round, but if you manage to do something like a shot down the entire length of the ship, about double damage is done.
Damage done is also increased by how many life-support storages and devices the round pierces through - even more so if you hit an e2, gyropod, or core.[/*][/list]
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
[list][*]Acidic Rounds - So-called 'acid' rounds actually contain payloads of self-replicating nanomachines. As the usual explosive in the ammo's warheads is replaced by containment units, the initial impact does 75% less damage, but upon contact with an enemy vessel the nanites begin to consume the ship's superstructure. If the target has no shields, the ammo does 150% of its normal impact damage as damage-over-time over ten seconds, if the target's shields are over 10%, 7% of normal impact damage is done to the armor (or hull, if armor is destroyed) as DOT over five seconds.
if that's too complex, they're just damage over time rounds
[*]Toxin Rounds - Popular among space pirates, Toxin rounds do 35% of their normal damage, but release a bio-engineered bacteria colony into the ship's compartments that absorb nutrients from the vessel's atmosphere, draining the ship of water and oxygen (amount drained depends on the weapon's damage and can be a maximum of 10% of the ship's maximum oxygen per shot).[/*][/list]
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."