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Ship Classification and Weaponry Guidelines

LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
edited March 2014 in Help and Tutorials #1
So seeing as the last thread I had about ship classes and stuff is ancient and locked, lets make a new one, and sticky it.

I've had a few people asking about ship classes and the speeds turrets turn at. So here we go, I'm going to make a post about how cores are classified, among other things.

Ship Classification
Some people are still a bit confused about this one, here is a list of all the ship classes and their details:
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 0m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 10,000u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 80°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Fighter[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 2.5s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 5m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 8,000u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 70°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Fighter, Frigate[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 5s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 20m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 3,500u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 40°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Frigate[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 10s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 50m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 2,000u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 30°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Cruiser, Frigate[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 15s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 80m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 1,250u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 20°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Cruiser[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 17.5s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 110m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 1,000u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 12°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Battleship, Cruiser[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 20s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 150m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 500u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 8°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Capital, Battleship[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 30s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: 200m[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 250u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 5°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Capital[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 35s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Minimum Signature Radius: N/A[/*]
[*]Speed Limit: 0u/s[/*]
[*]TurnSpeed Limit: 0°/s[/*]
[*]Weapon Classes: Frigate, Cruiser, Battleship, Station[/*]
[*]Shield Regeneration Delay: 60s[/*][/list][/*][/list]

Shield Regeneration Delay is how long it takes for your shields to start recharging again after they have been taken down.

Turret Guidelines
I have a few guidelines that I follow when I'm designing turrets, you should probably follow these because I might accidentally bite your hands off if your turrets are insta-aiming bullshit with 40 guns in them. Not all of these will make me bite your face off, but things like speed limits shouldn't be ignored.

The Guidelines
[list][*]Turrets shouldn't have any more than 6 weapon mounts/barrels[/*]
[*]Turrets should have a visible barrel or firing position for each weapon, don't stack a bunch of guns on top of each other please.[/*]
[*]Turrets must have restricted elevation, preferably higher class meaning tighter limits, but whatever looks best visually.[/*]
[*]Turrets must follow the speed limits used by the official lua turrets.[/*]
[*]Turrets should preferably have less than 10 parts.[/*]
[*]Turrets should be welded to a ship or station at all times.[/*]
[*]Missile turrets shouldn't pass a target to their launchers, this is mainly personal preference, but it would be cool if you agreed :D [/*][/list]

Official Turret Stats
[list][*]Weapon Mounts: 2[/*]
[*]Minimum Elevation: -25[/*]
[*]Maximum Elevation: 45[/*]
[*]Aiming Speed: 70 deg/s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Weapon Mounts: 1[/*]
[*]Minimum Elevation: -10[/*]
[*]Maximum Elevation: 75[/*]
[*]Aiming Speed: 50 deg/s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Weapon Mounts: 4[/*]
[*]Minimum Elevation: -10[/*]
[*]Maximum Elevation: 45[/*]
[*]Aiming Speed: 20 deg/s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Weapon Mounts: 2[/*]
[*]Minimum Elevation: -5[/*]
[*]Maximum Elevation: 30[/*]
[*]Aiming Speed: 12.5 deg/s[/*][/list][/*]
[list][*]Weapon Mounts: 3[/*]
[*]Minimum Elevation: -5[/*]
[*]Maximum Elevation: 25[/*]
[*]Aiming Speed: 7.5 deg/s[/*][/list][/*][/list]

Ship Teleporting Guidelines
Teleporting (moving instantly to any position on the map regardless of speedlimit) is not currently an official feature, but some ships can do it either by consequence of custom propulsion system or by a player implemented system. By attempting this you accept that you can be told to stop by admins at any time if you're liable to break something or heavily break gameplay; in any cases, there are class based cooldowns listed below, for minimum time in between teleports.

You are also only allowed to set the position vector of your ship, not instantly change the angle. Also try to avoid teleporting into solids like planets or other player ships.

[list][*]Drone/Fighter/Frigate: 10 seconds[/*]
[*]Cruiser: 18 seconds[/*]
[*]Battlecruiser: 28 seconds[/*]
[*]Battleship: 40 seconds[/*]
[*]Dreadnought/Titan: 120 seconds[/*]
[*]Station: 120 seconds. [NOTE: As per station mechanics, this will cause the station core to enter overheat mode and provide no protection until it's out of it.] [/*][/list]
This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 255 character limit.

Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

Get your extra long EVE trial here!


  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    edited March 2015 #2
    For anyone who wants to get classes from cores, you can do it like this:
    Rad = Core:getSigRad()*0.02540
    if(Rad < 10) {Class = "Drone"}
    elseif(Rad < 30) {Class = "Fighter"}
    elseif(Rad < 60) {Class = "Frigate"}
    elseif(Rad < 90) {Class = "Cruiser"}
    elseif(Rad < 120) {Class = "Battlecruiser"}
    elseif(Rad < 180) {Class = "Battleship"}
    elseif(Rad < 210) {Class = "Dreadnaught"}
    else {Class = "Titan"}

    That 0.02540 is what I worked out as the conversion between the units E:getSigRad() outputs and the meters displayed on the core/above.
    And no, convertUnit("u","m",Target:getSigRad()) does not work

    Station cores are the only ones that we can't currently work out reliably with E2, but I'm sure Core:getClass() will be coming along soon, right Brandon? :D

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    Kanzuke wrote:
    For anyone who wants to get classes from cores, you can do it like this:
    Rad = Core:getSigRad()*0.02540
    if(Rad < 10) {Class = "Drone"}
    elseif(Rad >= 10 & Rad < 30) {Class = "Fighter"}
    elseif(Rad >= 30 & Rad < 60) {Class = "Frigate"}
    elseif(Rad >= 60 & Rad < 90) {Class = "Cruiser"}
    elseif(Rad >= 90 & Rad < 120) {Class = "Battlecruiser"}
    elseif(Rad >= 120 & Rad < 180) {Class = "Battleship"}
    elseif(Rad >= 180 & Rad < 210) {Class = "Dreadnaught"}
    elseif(Rad >= 210) {Class = "Titan"}

    That 0.02540 is what I worked out as the conversion between the units E:getSigRad() outputs and the meters displayed on the core/above.
    And no, convertUnit("u","m",Target:getSigRad()) does not work

    Station cores are the only ones that we can't currently work out reliably with E2, but I'm sure Core:getClass() will be coming along soon, right Brandon? :D
    Alternatively, divide by 39.3700787 like the ship core does to begin with.
    This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 255 character limit.

    Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

    Get your extra long EVE trial here!
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Sec, adding in some more core read stuffs for E2.

    EDIT: Nevermind! I now have no way to actually edit files since the server reinstall. RDP doesn't work, and FTP hasn't worked for a good long while. Poked both Clak and Ltbrandon about this. Until then, if you want new core functions, pester them to fix dis. >:V
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    yo why can we only have so many weapon ents per turret

    i wanna make a sick 8x torpedo launcher with that huge-ass capital launcher model

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."

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