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While the video is nice, it does make it hard to appreciate the music because pewpewwooshwoosh
Part II is also pretty cool
And for the record, Red Like Roses is really hard on piano.
As for more a cappella,
EDIT: - I also somehow forgot this, the epitome of relevance, a cappella of RWBY songs
Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
I can't see what tracks those are as I don't have a spotify account
I like owning my music
And included in there is the RWBY Volume 1 Soundtrack and PTX's Vol 1 and 2
Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
It's fairly simple if you have plenty of things like these
(before you ask)
But seriously, it's 510 folders not files, and since iTunes stores videos and podcasts in there as well, it's more like 169Gb between 504 artists/compilations
Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
Part II is also pretty cool
And for the record, Red Like Roses is really hard on piano.
As for more a cappella,
EDIT: - I also somehow forgot this, the epitome of relevance, a cappella of RWBY songs
Right, I forgot that. I use spotify y'see.
I like owning my music
And included in there is the RWBY Volume 1 Soundtrack and PTX's Vol 1 and 2
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
(before you ask)
But seriously, it's 510 folders not files, and since iTunes stores videos and podcasts in there as well, it's more like 169Gb between 504 artists/compilations
Heheheh, yeah.
*glares at porn folder*
*opens porn folder*
it will be our secret
Why's it in your dropbox, 'tho? And the PUBLIC folder in your dropbox, at that. Wow.
I have friends with special needs.
*glares at Kanzuke*