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Expression2 energy consumption
Since everything from weapons to life support is based on some kind of resource consumption.
Im suggesting that you add one to Expression2 as well. Expression2 could consume energy and the amount could be based on its usage and if you wish it could also eat some cpu from ship's core.
Makes sense? Super pc consumes more power than noob pc. 8D
Thanks for reading my mad idea.
Since everything from weapons to life support is based on some kind of resource consumption.
Im suggesting that you add one to Expression2 as well. Expression2 could consume energy and the amount could be based on its usage and if you wish it could also eat some cpu from ship's core.
Makes sense? Super pc consumes more power than noob pc. 8D
Thanks for reading my mad idea.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
I like that idea!
The gyro doesn't, why should E2?
Also even if you do, people will find a way around just to conserve energy, like holo parenting or using the entity gates.
Especially since these functions are used outside of ships/stations/anything with LS, just because they are so useful.
The idea of E2 using energy just seems silly to me.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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