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E2 chat target finder
Hi! I bring you a target finder. This is how it works: when you write to chat like this "target targetnamehere"
@name Simple_Target_Finder @outputs Target:entity @persist Target:entity #First we make it so this expression2 runs on chat. runOnChat(1) #We don't want anyone else to mess with our targeting system so we set it owner only. This line also pick up owners words from chat LS = owner():lastSaid():lower():explode(" ") #When someone writes on chat and its owner something happens, in this case owner has to say "target" if (chatClk() & LS[1,string]=="target" ) { interval(100) #We don't to spam chat so we hide our words hideChat(1) #Second required word is part of target's name Target=findPlayerByName(LS[2,string]) #If target is found we continue if(Target:isValid()) #Then we print the target. {print(Target:toString())}}
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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It is now
True but since last update ship_core works only on #1 server.
On a side note: I'm waiting on dataschmuck to respond to my messages so I can update server 2.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
The file that controls that is in addons\collection addons\lua\autorun\server
this downloads all the current models/materials/sounds to the client, much faster than fastDL, with no file limit, and no need for them to figure out SVNs or Gits.
Only downside is if an addon adds new content (excluding lua) the workshop addon needs to be rebuilt.