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Making njits23 an admin

Hey as I said in my other posts I've spent some times in diaspora lately
There is one guy who I think is an all around good pick to become an admin, in fact I would rather see him become an admin so I can delete everyone stuff who isnt an admin without deleting him, but that's my selfish interest in it, but the guy just fit right in what an admin should be on diaspora.
I would like Err McSrsly [NOR] to manifest himself! OH SPIRIT OF Err McSrsly [NOR] MANIFEST YOURSELF BEFORE THE SPIRIT COUNCIL!
There is one guy who I think is an all around good pick to become an admin, in fact I would rather see him become an admin so I can delete everyone stuff who isnt an admin without deleting him, but that's my selfish interest in it, but the guy just fit right in what an admin should be on diaspora.
I would like Err McSrsly [NOR] to manifest himself! OH SPIRIT OF Err McSrsly [NOR] MANIFEST YOURSELF BEFORE THE SPIRIT COUNCIL!
"...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"
He's been around a lot and deserves it. Last time I checked he wasn't even a respected player when he deserve admin rights.
I know I'm asking for 3 guys to have admin rights but you guys know how diaspora is, you play a little then you dont play for like a year, so having everyone who can be an admin be an admin is ensuring an admin is around all year long, just saying most of the times there isn't any admin on..
I'm willing to give anyone who the community wants a temporary admin position so I can evaluate them. Usually when I do this I watch them for about a week and if I see them doing a good job(removing minges, teaching new players, etc) then I'll promote them to full admin status until they do something that ends with them being banned(when I ban an admin they also lose their admin status for a while).
Get a few people in here to support your case(s) and I'll give them their trial by fire. :twisted:
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
I hope some other people could comment here too and say what they think about this. If they've had positive or negative experiences with us, and if they'd like to see us as admins.
And when we're put through the trial, we'll try not to break the server