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cant spawn SBEP parts

OverloaderdaveOverloaderdave Registered Posts: 87
edited December 2013 in Tech Support #1
well, I cant use the part maker from SBEP, and if you use the qmenu you cant use the assembler... I can go into the menu and select the corridors etc, but the tool does nothing; remover and all the others work.
it stopped working suddenly after a lag spike, and I haven't tested in singleplayer yet.

on another note, I made a large-ish cruiser, which somehow has enough hp to count as a titan according to the old threads, but I doubt it, and parented it and did all the LS; it doesnt even make the server flinch if I drop it. however, if I fly it the chair goes flying all over the place and last time I tried ended up in the skybox, which I dont think should happen, and makes it kinda unusable.
the ship is here (in a spoiler because its alot of stuff there):
stick all of that into a .txt, throw the .txt into data/adv_duplicator/ and now you can upload it into the server.
yeah, it is the wrong dupe; one I did of it so I could use it on normal servers. :z and also its on server 1; the ships I generally build dont work on server 2. also, I cant get the newest version of it up right now, as its on server 1 and not in my folders...


  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    well, I cant use the part maker from SBEP, and if you use the qmenu you cant use the assembler... I can go into the menu and select the corridors etc, but the tool does nothing; remover and all the others work.
    it stopped working suddenly after a lag spike, and I haven't tested in singleplayer yet.

    on another note, I made a large-ish cruiser, which somehow has enough hp to count as a titan according to the old threads, but I doubt it, and parented it and did all the LS; it doesnt even make the server flinch if I drop it. however, if I fly it the chair goes flying all over the place and last time I tried ended up in the skybox, which I dont think should happen, and makes it kinda unusable.
    the ship is here (in a spoiler because its alot of stuff there):
    size5987timezonePacific Standard Timedate01 December 2013time03:51 AMnameOverloaderdavecheck

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    stick all of that into a .txt, throw the .txt into data/adv_duplicator/ and now you can upload it into the server.
    You need to say what server, because server 2(Based on your use of the AD2 file type, I think thats the server?) is highly outdated. You should also avoid putting a bunch of unrelated issues in your post, it makes it something of a pain to read.

    As for the second issue though, chairs cannot be parented(except a few) and are excluded by most methods. If its just the chair wobbling around, try welding it to more props, but if its your whole ship, then your issue is that your parent prop is too small.

    Now, please explain what the hell you're talking about with the "if you use the qmenu you can't use the assembler" stuff. Because you can do that perfectly fine. You're probably just using the tool wrong, as you need to right click the prop for the assembler icons to show up.
    This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 255 character limit.

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  • OverloaderdaveOverloaderdave Registered Posts: 87
    I tested the SBEP spawner on singleplayer, and it works, and for some reason it works on the servers too... so the spawner is fixed.

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