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DEV server down.

JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
edited March 2011 in Tech Support #1
I have noticed the DEV server seems offline for a few days now, and since I reinstalled Gmod i'd love to have it back now, as I can't see sg-shields or hear core damage sounds anymore, and it's annoying having to download 82 files each time you join. (and they end up not working after all!)


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    ...Hrm... 82 files, huh? Shit, I bet it's trying to download files that someone added to the Resource list, who didn't bother to upload them to the fastDL. -sighs- Can you tell me which files these are so I can fix them? Or, at least, the folders they are under.
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    The thing I saw most were the MANDRAC shields, and if I remember correctly, it likes to keep downloading the gatlinglaser.wav and more .wav files even after joining the DEV server (before I reinstalled Gmod). Will try to get a correct list now.


    Seems like it's mainly models/mandrac/mcbuilds_shield for the rest: Holograms, settings/presets (like the lensflare) the PlayX and some Space_combat stuff. And Like I said before .wav files.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Hrm.. Alright, will look into it when I can. Currently in Programming class, will be home in about 2 hours. Will attempt to reboot the Dev server in a moment.

    EDIT: Rebooted Dev server. Wait for a little bit, and it should be back up.
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    Thanks Fuhrball for wasting your time on me <3.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    A lot of the FastDL downloaded files (pretty much everything non-lua) do not keep between sessions. I really despise how GMod implements the FastDL system...
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Steeveeo wrote:
    A lot of the FastDL downloaded files (pretty much everything non-lua) do not keep between sessions. I really despise how GMod implements the FastDL system...

    When did this start happening? I'm almost sure that it only does that if you're missing the file from the FastDL host. At least, in my experience.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    It does it, and has done it, for the entire time. I first encountered this way back in the Sunrise beta days. I had to download like 50 sounds and 14 textures every time I logged into the server that was hosting it because of it using FastDL.

    If it was not on the FastDL host, it would not download at all.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    For me, it shows up in the Download list, but when it gets to the file to download it, it skips it, which gives the illusion of a very quick download. It fills up the DL bar instantly, then goes to the next one.

    Why would some files not stick?

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