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SBEP Docking Clamps Severely Bugged

TangentDeltaTangentDelta Registered Posts: 54
edited June 2013 in Tech Support #1
This probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, but the docking clamps that come with SBEP don't play too well with parented and cored ships. In my first test, I put a clamp on the bottom of my shuttle, and a clamp on the top of another shuttle. I parented both, and flew one over the other. When the clamps docked, the bottom shuttle spazzed out and vanished, and my controls got all weird. When I looked at my core, it had around 150 mil of shields, and around 88 mil hull.

Out of curiosity, I tried docking to a ragdoll, which instantly annihilated the ragdoll, and messed up my shuttle pretty badly, re-arranging all the parts on it, and giving me an insane amount of ship HP.

This phenomenon is something that could very easily be stumbled upon by accident, and be used to break things.


  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    Pretty sure Docking Clamps and Lift Systems Designer weren't intentionally put on, so should probably be removed.

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    Kanzuke wrote:
    Pretty sure Docking Clamps and Lift Systems Designer weren't intentionally put on, so should probably be removed.
    They're part of SBEP again, so it was intentional. I'll look into them, lift thing is getting locked, but the docking clamps might stay because I know they work if you use them right.

    Tangent, when you tried to dock, you did turn off your engines right? If not thats what your problem probably was.
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  • TangentDeltaTangentDelta Registered Posts: 54
    LtBrandon wrote:

    Tangent, when you tried to dock, you did turn off your engines right? If not thats what your problem probably was.
    I turned the engines off on the bottom ship. I had to keep the gyropod enabled onboard the upper ship. How else would I have docked it? It seems really weird that parenting would be the problem, since it's a part of vanilla gmod, and is an essential part of space build.
  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    LtBrandon wrote:

    Tangent, when you tried to dock, you did turn off your engines right? If not thats what your problem probably was.
    I turned the engines off on the bottom ship. I had to keep the gyropod enabled onboard the upper ship. How else would I have docked it? It seems really weird that parenting would be the problem, since it's a part of vanilla gmod, and is an essential part of space build.
    The reason you have to turn off the engines is because the docking clamps apply their own force. They'll latch on and drag the other ship from quite a difference. I'll look into it though, will put up a reply when I know more.
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    Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

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