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E2 Gyropod v3
This is my simple to use E2 Gyropod, features include:
[list][*]Engine Effects![/*]
[*]Automatic Parenting![/*]
[*]No wiring![/*]
[*]Low Lag![/*]
Instructions -
STEP 1: Place the E2 on a forward-facing prop that you want as your parent.
STEP 2: Fly your ship.
Please do not redistribute without asking. If you do give it to someone then insure to include credits to me.
E2 Gyropod v3
Older Versions
Update 2: Version 3.0 released, also released V2 Final.
This is my simple to use E2 Gyropod, features include:
[list][*]Engine Effects![/*]
[*]Automatic Parenting![/*]
[*]No wiring![/*]
[*]Low Lag![/*]
Instructions -
STEP 1: Place the E2 on a forward-facing prop that you want as your parent.
STEP 2: Fly your ship.
Please do not redistribute without asking. If you do give it to someone then insure to include credits to me.
E2 Gyropod v3
@name E2 Gyropod v3.1 @persist [AngVel AngMult]:angle SpeedLimit Massmem Acceleration Speed Strafeud Strafelr Deadzone RollYaw @persist [Engines Enabled PodControler]:table [Base Chair]:entity Constraints:array Active InChair WaitingForActivate ActivateKey:string @outputs Lvec:vector Ops runOnChat(1) if(dupefinished()){reset()} elseif(first()){ #Set Your Multipliers Or You Are Dumb. #This is in FIGHTER FLIGHT mode right now, if you try to fly a capital #you will spaz out and explode. #AngMult(Pitch, Yaw, Roll) AngMult = ang(7,5,5) #This is your maximum speed, don't set it any higher than 3500 unless you know what you're doing. SpeedLimit = 3500 #This controls how fast you accelerate and decelerate, only set it to numbers between 1 and 0. Acceleration = 0.01 #This controls the minimum amount of aiming you need to do to turn. Defaults to 2.5. Deadzone = 2.5 #Should we use roll instead of yaw by default? RollYaw = 1 #Should we automatically parent the ship? Defaults to on! AutoParent = 0 #Should we try to detect a chair? Defaults to on, use !setchair to change the chair. AutoChair = 1 #What key makes the vehicle turn on? Defaults to spacebar ActivateKey = "Space" entity():combatImmune(1) ############### #END OF CONFIG# ############### function void parentShip(){ if(Base:isValid()){ print("Begining parenting!") Constraints = Base:getConstraints() Massmem=50000 Base:setMass(50000) local CurEnt = noentity() for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ CurEnt = Constraints[I, entity] if(CurEnt:isValid()&CurEnt!=Base){ #freeze CurEnt:freeze() #unconstrain CurEnt:unConstrain() #auto weight if(CurEnt:isVehicle()){ CurEnt:setMass(5000) }else{ CurEnt:setMass(1) } CurEnt:propEnableDrag(0) CurEnt:propGravity(0) Massmem += CurEnt:mass() #auto parent if(!CurEnt:isVehicle()){CurEnt:parentTo(Base)} } } #auto weld timer("doweld", 100) print("Parenting completed!") }else{ print("Unable to find base!") } } function void dokeys(){ if(Chair:isValid()){ Driver = Chair:driver() if(Driver:isValid()){ PodControler["W", number] = Driver:keyForward() PodControler["A", number] = Driver:keyLeft() PodControler["S", number] = Driver:keyBack() PodControler["D", number] = Driver:keyRight() PodControler["R", number] = Driver:keyReload() PodControler["M1", number] = Driver:keyAttack1() PodControler["M2", number] = Driver:keyAttack2() PodControler["Space", number] = Driver:keyJump() PodControler["Shift", number] = Driver:keySprint() PodControler["Alt", number] = Driver:keyWalk() PodControler["Ctrl", number] = Driver:keyDuck() PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = Driver:keyWeapon1() PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = Driver:keyWeapon2() PodControler["Active", number] = 1 PodControler["Chair", entity] = Chair } }else{ PodControler["W", number] = 0 PodControler["A", number] = 0 PodControler["S", number] = 0 PodControler["D", number] = 0 PodControler["R", number] = 0 PodControler["M1", number] = 0 PodControler["M2", number] = 0 PodControler["Space", number] = 0 PodControler["Shift", number] = 0 PodControler["Alt", number] = 0 PodControler["Ctrl", number] = 0 PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Active", number] = 0 PodControler["Chair", entity] = Chair } } function void enableEngines(){ local Constraints = entity():getConstraints() local CurEngine = table() local CurLight = table() local CurTable = table() local ID = 0 for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ for(K=1, Engines:count()){ CurEngine = Engines[K, table] if(Constraints[I, entity]:model():find(CurEngine["model", string])){ CurTable = CurEngine["lights", table] for(C=1, CurEngine["lights", table]:count()){ CurLight = CurTable[C, table] ID = Enabled:count()+1 Enabled[ID, number] = 1 lightCreate(ID) lightPos(ID,Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector])) lightBrightness(ID, CurLight["brightness", number]) lightDistance(ID, CurLight["distance", number]) lightColor(ID,CurLight["color", vector]) lightParent(ID,Constraints[I, entity]) holoCreate(ID, Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector]), vec(1,1,1)*0.01) holoParent(ID, Constraints[I, entity]) holoMaterial(ID, "sprites/muzzleflash4") holoEntity(ID):setTrails(CurLight["distance", number]/10,0,CurLight["distance", number]/500,"trails/laser",CurLight["color", vector],255) drawSprite(1000+ID,"sprites/muzzleflash4",Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector]),CurLight["distance", number]/12,CurLight["distance", number]/12,CurLight["color", vector],255,Constraints[I, entity]) } } } } } function void disableEngines(){ for(I=1, Enabled:count()){ lightRemove(I) removeSprite(1000+I) } Enabled = table() } function void movement(){ if(Base:isValid()){ Forward = PodControler["W", number] Backwards = PodControler["S", number] Left = PodControler["A", number] Right = PodControler["D", number] Up = PodControler["Space", number] Down = PodControler["Alt", number] Roll = PodControler["Shift", number] Level = PodControler["R", number] if(Forward == 0&Backwards == 0){ Speed = Speed*(1-Acceleration) }elseif(Backwards >= 1){ Speed = Speed - (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) }elseif(Forward >= 1){ Speed = Speed + (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) } if(Up == 0&Down == 0){ Strafeud = Strafeud*(1-Acceleration) }elseif(Down >= 1){ Strafeud = Strafeud - (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) }elseif(Up >= 1){ Strafeud = Strafeud + (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) } if(Right == 0&Left == 0){ Strafelr = Strafelr*(1-Acceleration) }elseif(Left >= 1){ Strafelr = Strafelr + (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) }elseif(Right >= 1){ Strafelr = Strafelr - (SpeedLimit*Acceleration) } Speed = clamp(Speed, -SpeedLimit, SpeedLimit) Strafelr = clamp(Strafelr, -SpeedLimit, SpeedLimit) Strafeud = clamp(Strafeud, -SpeedLimit, SpeedLimit) Vvec = vec(Speed, Strafelr/5, Strafeud/5):rotate(Base:angles()) Vel = Base:vel() if(Vvec != vec(0,0,0)){ Base:setVel(Vvec) }else{ Base:setVel(Vel * 0.95) } if(Level == 0){ if((RollYaw ? !Roll : Roll) == 1){ Angles = ang(-clamp((abs(Base:elevation(Lvec)) > Deadzone ? Base:elevation(Lvec) : 0), -90, 90), 0, clamp((abs(Base:bearing(Lvec)) > Deadzone ? Base:bearing(Lvec) : 0), -45, 45)) }else{ Angles = ang(-clamp((abs(Base:elevation(Lvec)) > Deadzone ? Base:elevation(Lvec) : 0), -90, 90), -clamp((abs(Base:bearing(Lvec)) > Deadzone ? Base:bearing(Lvec) : 0), -90, 90), -angnorm(Base:angles()):roll()) } } elseif (Level >= 1) { Angles = ang(-Base:angles():pitch(), -clamp((abs(Base:bearing(Lvec)) > Deadzone ? Base:bearing(Lvec) : 0), -90, 90), -angnorm(Base:angles():roll())) } Base:setAngVel(shiftR((Angles*AngMult) - Base:angVel())) Chair:driver():setPos(Chair:pos()) } if(Active){timer(10, 1, "MOVEMENT", "movement()")} } function void view(){ rangerHitEntities(0) Ranger = rangerOffset(216384, Base:boxCenterW(), Chair:driver():eye()) Lvec=Ranger:pos() dokeys() soundPitch(1,Base:vel():length() / 4) if(Active){timer(20, 1, "VIEW", "view()")} } function void activeCheck(){ Base:propGravity(0) Chair:propGravity(0) Ops = ops() InChair = Chair:driver():isValid() if(changed(InChair)&InChair){ WaitingForActivate = 1 Chair:printDriver("Please press '" + ActivateKey + "' to engage the gyropod!") }elseif(InChair&WaitingForActivate){ dokeys() if(PodControler[ActivateKey, number]){ WaitingForActivate = 0 Active = 1 } }elseif(!InChair){ WaitingForActivate = 0 Active = 0 } if(changed(Active)&Active&entity():parent():isValid()){ enableEngines() Base:unFreeze() Chair:unFreeze() Base:soundPlay(1, 0, "ambient/atmosphere/underground_hall_loop1.wav") timer(25, 1, "MOVEMENT", "movement()" ) timer(50, 1, "VIEW", "view()") }elseif(changed(Active)&!Active){ disableEngines() soundStop(1) Base:freeze() Chair:freeze() Speed = 0 Strafeud = 0 Strafelr = 0 } } timer(100, 0, "ACTIVE", "activeCheck()") Base = entity():isWeldedTo() Hvec=Base:pos() Lvec=Base:toWorld(Base:forward()) if(AutoChair&Base){ local Const = Base:getConstraints() for(I=1,Const:count()){ if(Const[I, entity]:isVehicle()){ Chair = Const[I, entity] print("Found chair, setting driver position!") break } } } if(AutoParent&Base){ parentShip() } PodControler["W", number] = 0 PodControler["A", number] = 0 PodControler["S", number] = 0 PodControler["D", number] = 0 PodControler["R", number] = 0 PodControler["M1", number] = 0 PodControler["M2", number] = 0 PodControler["Space", number] = 0 PodControler["Shift", number] = 0 PodControler["Alt", number] = 0 PodControler["Ctrl", number] = 0 PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Active", number] = 0 PodControler["Chair", entity] = noentity() Engines[1, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["model", string] = "models/spacebuild/emount2_milcock4.mdl" Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["pos", vector] = vec(-196, 0, -23) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["color", vector] = vec(255,100,0) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["brightness", number] = 100 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["distance", number] = 1000 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["pos", vector] = vec(-258, 0, 36) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["color", vector] = vec(255,100,0) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["brightness", number] = 100 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["distance", number] = 1000 Enabled = table() }elseif(chatClk(owner()) & owner():lastSaid():lower() == "!setchair"){ hideChat(1) Trace = owner():eyeTrace() if(Trace:entity()){ Chair = Trace:entity() print("Set chair to "+toString(Trace:entity())) } }elseif(clk("doweld")){ for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ Constraints[I, entity]:weld(Base) } }
Older Versions
E2 Gyropod v2 Final - because some people like this version more
Update: Version 2.1.4 RELEASED ;D@name E2 Gyropod v2 Final @persist [AngVel AngMult]:angle [Lvec]:vector ThrustMult Massmem Acceleration Speed Strafeud Strafelr @persist [Engines Enabled PodControler]:table [Base Chair]:entity Constraints:array runOnChat(1) Active = Chair:driver():isValid() if(dupefinished()){reset()} elseif(first()){ #Set Your Multipliers Or You Are Dumb. #This is in FIGHTER FLIGHT mode right now, if you try to fly a capital #you will spaz out and explode. #AngMult(Pitch, Yaw, Roll) AngMult = ang(12,12,8) #Your speed is multiplied by this; I don't recommend setting it higher than 12. ThrustMult = 16 #This controls how fast you accelerate and decelerate, only set it to numbers between 1 and 0. Acceleration = 0.01 #Should we automatically parent the ship? Defaults to on! AutoParent = 1 #Should we try to detect a chair? Defaults to on, use !setchair to change the chair. AutoChair = 1 ############### #END OF CONFIG# ############### function void parentShip(){ if(Base:isValid()){ print("Begining parenting!") Constraints = Base:getConstraints() local CurEnt = noentity() for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ CurEnt = Constraints[I, entity] if(CurEnt:isValid()&CurEnt != Base&!CurEnt:parent():isValid()){ #freeze CurEnt:freeze() #unconstrain CurEnt:unConstrain() #auto weight if(CurEnt == Base){ CurEnt:setMass(50000) }elseif(CurEnt:type() == "prop_physics" | CurEnt:type() == "prop_physics_multiplayer"){ CurEnt:setMass(200) }else{ local Type = CurEnt:type():lower() if(Type:find("resource") | Type:find("storage") | Type:find("gen") | Type:find("regulator") | Type:find("gyropod")){ CurEnt:setMass(50) }else{ CurEnt:setMass(1) } } #auto parent if(!CurEnt:isVehicle()){CurEnt:parentTo(Base)} } } #auto weld timer("doweld", 100) print("Parenting completed!") }else{ print("Unable to find base!") } } function void dokeys(){ if(Chair:isValid()){ Driver = Chair:driver() if(Driver:isValid()){ PodControler["W", number] = Driver:keyForward() PodControler["A", number] = Driver:keyLeft() PodControler["S", number] = Driver:keyBack() PodControler["D", number] = Driver:keyRight() PodControler["R", number] = Driver:keyReload() PodControler["M1", number] = Driver:keyAttack1() PodControler["M2", number] = Driver:keyAttack2() PodControler["Space", number] = Driver:keyJump() PodControler["Shift", number] = Driver:keySprint() PodControler["Alt", number] = Driver:keyWalk() PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = Driver:keyWeapon1() PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = Driver:keyWeapon2() PodControler["Active", number] = 1 PodControler["Chair", entity] = Chair } }else{ PodControler["W", number] = 0 PodControler["A", number] = 0 PodControler["S", number] = 0 PodControler["D", number] = 0 PodControler["R", number] = 0 PodControler["M1", number] = 0 PodControler["M2", number] = 0 PodControler["Space", number] = 0 PodControler["Shift", number] = 0 PodControler["Alt", number] = 0 PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Active", number] = 0 PodControler["Chair", entity] = Chair } } function void enableEngines(){ local Constraints = entity():getConstraints() local CurEngine = table() local CurLight = table() local CurTable = table() local ID = 0 for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ for(K=1, Engines:count()){ CurEngine = Engines[K, table] if(Constraints[I, entity]:model():find(CurEngine["model", string])){ CurTable = CurEngine["lights", table] for(C=1, CurEngine["lights", table]:count()){ CurLight = CurTable[C, table] ID = Enabled:count()+1 Enabled[ID, number] = 1 lightCreate(ID) lightPos(ID,Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector])) lightBrightness(ID, CurLight["brightness", number]) lightDistance(ID, CurLight["distance", number]) lightColor(ID,CurLight["color", vector]) lightParent(ID,Constraints[I, entity]) holoCreate(ID, Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector]), vec(1,1,1)*0.01) holoParent(ID, Constraints[I, entity]) holoMaterial(ID, "sprites/muzzleflash4") holoEntity(ID):setTrails(CurLight["distance", number]/10,0,CurLight["distance", number]/500,"trails/laser",CurLight["color", vector],255) drawSprite(1000+ID,"sprites/muzzleflash4",Constraints[I, entity]:toWorld(CurLight["pos", vector]),CurLight["distance", number]/12,CurLight["distance", number]/12,CurLight["color", vector],255,Constraints[I, entity]) } } } } } function void disableEngines(){ for(I=1, Enabled:count()){ lightRemove(I) removeSprite(1000+I) } Enabled = table() } Base = entity():isWeldedTo() Hvec=Base:pos() Svec=Base:toWorld(Base:forward()) if(AutoParent&Base){ parentShip() } if(AutoChair&Base){ local Const = Base:getConstraints() for(I=1,Const:count()){ if(Const[I, entity]:isVehicle()){ Chair = Const[I, entity] print("Found chair, setting driver position!") break } } } Massmem=10000 Base:setMass(50000) PodControler["W", number] = 0 PodControler["A", number] = 0 PodControler["S", number] = 0 PodControler["D", number] = 0 PodControler["R", number] = 0 PodControler["M1", number] = 0 PodControler["M2", number] = 0 PodControler["Space", number] = 0 PodControler["Shift", number] = 0 PodControler["Alt", number] = 0 PodControler["Next Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Previous Weapon", number] = 0 PodControler["Active", number] = 0 PodControler["Chair", entity] = noentity() Engines[1, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table] = table() Engines[1, table]["model", string] = "models/spacebuild/emount2_milcock4.mdl" Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["pos", vector] = vec(-196, 0, -23) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["color", vector] = vec(255,100,0) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["brightness", number] = 100 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][1, table]["distance", number] = 1000 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["pos", vector] = vec(-258, 0, 36) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["color", vector] = vec(255,100,0) Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["brightness", number] = 100 Engines[1, table]["lights", table][2, table]["distance", number] = 1000 Enabled = table() }elseif(changed(Active)&Active == 1){timer("VIEW", 100) enableEngines() Base:soundPlay(1, 0, "ambient/atmosphere/underground_hall_loop1.wav")} elseif((Active == 1&entity():parent():isValid()&clk("VIEW"))){ rangerHitEntities(0) Ranger = rangerOffset(216384, Chair:driver():shootPos(), Chair:driver():eye()) Lvec=Ranger:pos() Base:unFreeze() timer("VIEW", 50) }elseif(chatClk(owner()) & owner():lastSaid():lower() == "!setchair"){ hideChat(1) Trace = owner():eyeTrace() if(Trace:entity()){ Chair = Trace:entity() print("Set chair to "+toString(Trace:entity())) } }elseif(clk("doweld")){ for(I=1, Constraints:count()){ Constraints[I, entity]:weld(Base) } }elseif(Active == 0){stoptimer("VIEW") disableEngines()} if(Active == 1 & Base & entity():parent():isValid()){ interval(25) dokeys() soundPitch(1,Base:vel():length() / 4 + 70) Forward = PodControler["W", number] Backwards = PodControler["S", number] Left = PodControler["A", number] Right = PodControler["D", number] Up = PodControler["Space", number] Down = PodControler["Alt", number] RollLeft = 0 RollRight = 0 Level = PodControler["R", number] FWD=Base:forward():normalized() if(Forward == 0&Backwards == 0){ Speed = Speed*0.95 if(Speed > -1||Speed < 1){Speed = 0} }elseif(Backwards >= 1){ if(Speed > -ThrustMult){ Speed = Speed + (-ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Speed = -ThrustMult } }elseif(Forward >= 1){ if(Speed < ThrustMult){ Speed = Speed + (ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Speed = ThrustMult } } if(Up == 0&Down == 0){ Strafeud = Strafeud*0.95 if(Strafeud > -1||Strafeud < 1){Strafeud = 0} }elseif(Down >= 1){ if(Strafeud > -ThrustMult){ Strafeud = Strafeud + (-ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Strafeud = -ThrustMult } }elseif(Up >= 1){ if(Strafeud < ThrustMult){ Strafeud = Strafeud + (ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Strafeud = ThrustMult } } if(Right == 0&Left == 0){ Strafelr = Strafelr*0.95 if(Strafelr > -1||Strafelr < 1){Strafelr = 0} }elseif(Left >= 1){ if(Strafelr > -ThrustMult){ Strafelr = Strafelr + (-ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Strafelr = -ThrustMult } }elseif(Right >= 1){ if(Strafelr < ThrustMult){ Strafelr = Strafelr + (ThrustMult*Acceleration) }else{ Strafelr = ThrustMult } } Svec = Lvec if(Level == 0){ Rolli=-angnorm(Base:angles():roll())/2 Angles = ang(-(Base:elevation(Svec)), -Base:bearing(Svec), Rolli) } elseif (Level >= 1) { Angles = ang(-Base:angles():pitch(), -Base:bearing(Svec), -angnorm(Base:angles():roll())) } AngVel = angnorm(Angles) Hvecd=(FWD*Speed)+(Base:up()*Strafeud*0.75)+(Base:right()*Strafelr*0.75) Hvecd+=$Hvecd Vel = Base:vel() if(Hvecd != vec(0,0,0)){ Base:setVel((Hvecd*Massmem*0.04)-(Vel*0.95)) }else{ Base:propGravity(0) Base:setVel(Vel*0.95) } Base:setAngVel(shiftR(Angles*AngMult)*0.25) }else{ Base:freeze() soundStop(1) interval(1000) }
Update 2: Version 3.0 released, also released V2 Final.
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Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
It is extremely unlikely. The fuel system is extremely simple, only about 10-ish lines of code, that run once every second. And they're only basic number-checks. If number is X then Drain X-fuel.
Our Gyropod is much different than the one that other servers have, not just because of the fuel system. Most other server's Gyros are technically outdated, since the person who made them used to come here pretty damn often. The public version is an old one.
It probably has to do with features and whatnot.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
If he added that to the code people would just unwire the tanks and take out the relevant code. You'd only get to balance it for the people who have no idea how to code E2, and most of them will just stick with a gyro
Like I said, people seem to play on Easymodo, when they can. Kind of defeats the point I think, but whatever.
That said, as it is much of our restrictions are passive, the only hard limits that are really in is because people can't be arsed not to make server killer ships with more weapons than seven planets combined.
You probably aren't parenting it properly, for me this chip has flown everything from fighter to titan. You need to place the chip on the biggest prop on your ship, make sure that prop is facing forwards, and then parent the ship to that prop, if it still spazzes then then the prop isn't big enough, or the ship is weighted poorly, in which case set the weight of everything apart from the parent to 1.
i tried this and all i got was a ship that points towards 0,0,0 and then drives towards it in weird angles and spinny motions against my controll
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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It's only easy if you're boring about it. AKA, drones and teleporting gatherers.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!