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point defense e2?
well, I had an idea. an e2 to detect any pewpew for now and when SC2 comes the bullets for that and puts a prop on them-wasting the damage. well, I need to know how to use arrays to spawn more than four props a second, the class type for pewpew bullets and how to calculate if something will hit a prop... I dont want it to randomly put a prop on someone else's battle, now, do I? :P
also, would it be allowed? it would block almost ALL damage to any prop connected to it; only instahits would get through
also, would it be allowed? it would block almost ALL damage to any prop connected to it; only instahits would get through
In all seriousness though, there isn't a way to spawn more than 4 props per second after the first run of the E2, if there is and I read it here then I will promptly stop that from happening. Completely blocking damage is also fairly impossible because not everything uses bullets you can track, lasers are just one of many examples of this. I would also like to point out the "don't be a dick" rule in the motd as this is a topic than can easily get you considered a dick if not handled with the utmost care.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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oh and on the calculation for that damage, it would be...
N=nubium stored
could also have the addition of amount of props, but that would be nubbeh
EDIT: As an aside, I just thought of something interesting: a Space Combat E2 extension. As in, you could turn the E2 into a weapon that requires a network for resources and whatnot. And to keep people from just making a 9999999/sec damage laser with auto-tracking, you could have it work similarly to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. By this, I mean that you could either set its damage or resource use, but not both. The more resources you tell it to use, the more damage it will do; vice versa, the more damage you tell it to do, the more resources it will require.
Just an odd thought of mine.
EDIT 2: Wergawergaderka forgot that was already an idea.
I would post my current damage calculations for kinetic weapons, but that changes sometimes so I won't be doing that. I don't recommended suggestions until it comes out and you actually see whats in it, as its a fairly massive update with a lot more content than I listed on the big bad list of things.
One other misunderstanding you have is that solid Nubium only shows up in cloud asteroids, the resource contents for each roid is randomized, and as such solid Nubium will show up in any roid. Gaseous Nubium is used as a fuel and is found in small amounts in some gas clouds, and solid Nubium is used in reactor cores for huge power boosts among other things.
Weapon suggestions are rather irrelevant in the upcoming system as players design the weapons themselves anyways.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
can we choose what it uses as ammunition, as in it could use tritanium instead of energy; it would allow tank ships to still have a few weapons, but at the cost of no indefinite ammo if it doesnt consume much energy.
also, will weap limits be removed because of this? there would be now way to "weaponspam" on a frigate, it would get a few shots of the small guns then never be able to fire for a few minutes-making them faaaaar less effective than a normal frigate.
the only thing they have leaked is that it involves arrays. it could be something to do with an array=propSpawn filling the array with the prop instantly. that could be the bug, but as I said I have no idea how its done.
puff does it by constantly spawning invisible props at 0,0,0 and teleporting them when needed
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
whelp. we need a limit of props in existance from all e2 chips from a player e.g a limit of e2 spawned props
that would stop things like his 100-prop-per-second automurder machine working as it would just spam him. looks like the thread has turned into e2 bug fixing O.o
but seriously, we need to get back to contemplating how to have a "bullet blocker" with a max of four blockings per second because can props... they are useful for one-shot-blocking. anyway, the main code would probably be...
if(Active == 1){
findIncludeClass("bullet ent type here")
Targbullet = findClosest()
if(Targbullet:isValid() == 1){
Prop = propSpawn("can path", Targbullet:pos(), 1)
Everyone who has posted so far has either already written a script to the same effect as what you are looking for, usually just for missiles or the like instead of the less feasible bracket of "All Projectiles," or they have no intrest in making one. Problem being, the ones who have done it are usually hesitant to give out code relating to weaponry, especially something that can be abused as easily as this.
All I can recommend is to experiment with the code you have so far, most of the work is tedious (getting projectile class names, seeing if it's possible to not shoot down all your missiles, etc), and run into and solve problems along the way.
e.g it has an output to make it only active if it is finding an enemy core