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[Request] DazzaTheKillerSniper fighting on spawn planet
# 33 "[FL:RP] DazzaTheKillerSniper" STEAM_0:1:51383203 31:19 253 0 active
He was fighting on the spawn planet for about an hour before I got fed up and started recording. I'm posting this because it's in clear violation of the rules listed in the MOTD.
Video is being processed on youtube will link when it's done.
He was fighting on the spawn planet for about an hour before I got fed up and started recording. I'm posting this because it's in clear violation of the rules listed in the MOTD.
Video is being processed on youtube will link when it's done.
I'll look at the logs and what not while I await your video.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Also I wonder if I could talk to you about another matter if you would mind adding me.