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So much models that can't be used...

GistixGistix Registered Posts: 8
edited November 2012 in Suggestions #1
So, SPEB(Spacebuild Enhancement Pack) have like, sooo many models (I think 1350) but not all of then can be used, and it's all cool models, why not unlock these models? more crash chances? would increase the server join time?


  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    Gistix wrote:
    So, SPEB(Spacebuild Enhancement Pack) have like, sooo many models (I think 1350) but not all of then can be used, and it's all cool models, why not unlock these models? more crash chances? would increase the server join time?
    Uh we don't have any blocked models, you can use all of them.
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  • GistixGistix Registered Posts: 8
    Weird, I can spawn SBEP models just using the part spawner tool, can't spawn from SPEB_Models folder
  • DataSchmuckDataSchmuck Registered, Moderator Posts: 147
    That is a limitation of the linux server and garrys mod. Linux differentiates different case filenames (Spacebuild is different than spacebuild or SPACEBUILD) and Garrys mod has a bug with resources having mixed case filenames. in order to make it work, the linux server needs all the folders and files renamed to all lowercase. Therfore when you try to spawn something off your spawnlist, your telling it to look for SpaceBuild/ModelPart009AbAb.mdl, when on the server there is no such part. If you had a spawnlist that was all lowercase (spacebuild/modelpart009abab.mdl) then it will spawn.

    There is a post here with an SBEP spawnlist in all lowercase.

    Dont worry about messing up windows, windows don't give a shit about cases.
  • Ded10cDed10c Registered Posts: 136
    Dont worry about messing up windows, windows don't give a shit about cases.

    Probably to its disadvantage.

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