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This is on Diaspora SpaceBuild 3 Build #1
Derzo STEAM_0:1:48338558
using some mine prop not sure of the name, used it to grab peoples ships and throw them into space i didnt get my ship being thrown into space with the screen shot but i got a friends
3 of us had ours ships taken from as and thrown into space
Myself [JG]EmoKitten
TEAP _Epicman155
The screenshots are from derzo trying to throw epic's ship into space
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... reenshots/
thats a link to 12 SS
Derzo STEAM_0:1:48338558
using some mine prop not sure of the name, used it to grab peoples ships and throw them into space i didnt get my ship being thrown into space with the screen shot but i got a friends
3 of us had ours ships taken from as and thrown into space
Myself [JG]EmoKitten
TEAP _Epicman155
The screenshots are from derzo trying to throw epic's ship into space
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... reenshots/
thats a link to 12 SS
You didn't take a screenshot showing who actually owned the prop being flung around, but if I see him around again and he does something mingebag-like I'll deal with him.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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