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Suggestions for Regular Server Events

D4RK354B3RD4RK354B3R Registered Posts: 18
edited March 2011 in Suggestions #1
I've been itching for a combat event since the switch to Diaspora, but there really hasn't been any.
Since Faction Warfare takes forever to set up (Do we even have factions to duke it out with?) I figured that we may as well start with something that's simple and small scaled.

We should have a Fighter Combat Event sometime in the near future.

Here are the ideas thus far:
[list]- Strict guidelines on what qualifies as a fighter and what doesn't. This includes: Core health, SG Shields, Resource Capacity, and types of weapons equipped.[/list]
[list]- A scoring system based upon multiple free-for-all matches.[/list]
[list]- Some special prize for whoever has the highest score by the end of the event?[/list]
[list]- Teams or No teams?[/list]
[list]- Once every 3 or 4 weeks?[/list]

I've also been kind of itching for a competitive mining event. I love competition. I don't know how something like this should be run, though. Should there be teams? Should each person have a target cache to deposit ore into for scoring? Should this be a competition based upon who can mine X quantity of ore the fastest, or who can mine the most ore in X minutes?


  • roychookroychook Registered Posts: 23
    I like the idea of a team battle or battles but idk i havent been in spacebuild servers for long but isnt that what ruined the mcbuild servers like factions and what not
  • OneAndOnlyOneAndOnly Registered Posts: 38
    I like the idea of fighter team battles because it doesnt last 5 seconds,but i dont like that fighter have homing weapons.If there will be any events like this it would be nice if homing weapons were NOT allowed.
  • D4RK354B3RD4RK354B3R Registered Posts: 18
    roychook wrote:
    I like the idea of a team battle or battles but idk i havent been in spacebuild servers for long but isnt that what ruined the mcbuild servers like factions and what not

    No. What ruined McBuild's was the drama and bullshit that erupted near the end. And John.
  • NormallyClosedSwitchNormallyClosedSwitch Registered Posts: 137
    I got one event suggestion:

    "Today is the fighter day!" 20props max, 6 guns max, no fusion, no this and that, 1 refuel station for the entire server..."

    Imagine 5-6 persons up the air with fighter, no lag, action everywhere...

    Like maybe no homing toys? Direct shot only day! No building day! go on the dev if you need to fix something, and like "ok paste your ship and fuel your ship now, u got 15 min to do so" then when everybody has something, no more duping, u jail people joining the server so they dont fuck around, and if you get shot down, until the battle is over, you simply DONT paste your ship back

    So in essence, once the fighter began, no one build, no one paste or lag the server up, battle only until the winner side won...

    Sound great to me!
    "...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"
  • OneAndOnlyOneAndOnly Registered Posts: 38
    I got one event suggestion:

    "Today is the fighter day!" 20props max, 6 guns max, no fusion, no this and that, 1 refuel station for the entire server..."

    Imagine 5-6 persons up the air with fighter, no lag, action everywhere...

    Like maybe no homing toys? Direct shot only day! No building day! go on the dev if you need to fix something, and like "ok paste your ship and fuel your ship now, u got 15 min to do so" then when everybody has something, no more duping, u jail people joining the server so they dont fuck around, and if you get shot down, until the battle is over, you simply DONT paste your ship back

    So in essence, once the fighter began, no one build, no one paste or lag the server up, battle only until the winner side won...

    Sound great to me!

    I had a similar idea when i sayd "no homing stuff" :mrgreen: ...
    But yes , i like the idea :geek:
  • Psi-Xi 7Psi-Xi 7 Registered Posts: 28
    It also sounds a bit demanding.
    There would have to be someone managing players to ensure they follow these rules, and a moderator/admin enforcing them.

    Also, said managerial person would have to be able to check to see if players participating are not using any invisible weapons/generators that would violate said rules.

    ~Just a thought~
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    Steev posted a mod a while back on McBuilds that he probably still has installed. I know I have it still installed. It's like wallhax for gmod. It lets you see all props visible or not.
  • BasqueBasque Registered Posts: 2
    "Today is the fighter day!" 20props max, 6 guns max, no fusion, no this and that, 1 refuel station for the entire server..."

    Imagine 5-6 persons up the air with fighter, no lag, action everywhere...

    That sounds amazing, too bad it would lag really bad. Lag doesn't really come from prop count, it's mostly people's e2s.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Basque wrote:
    That sounds amazing, too bad it would lag really bad. Lag doesn't really come from prop count, it's mostly people's e2s.

    Almost everything you have just said is factually wrong. It DOES come from prop count. There is a reason why a 150 prop ship, even while parented, causes the server to hiccup and lag infinitely more than say, a 30 prop ship. Each prop adds onto the entity list, and has to be managed in the server in some form, and sent to each client.

    The only time people's E2's lag is if it's interacting with physics in some way. And even then, it has to be horribly unoptimized.
  • Psi-Xi 7Psi-Xi 7 Registered Posts: 28
    Katelyn wrote:
    Steev posted a mod a while back on McBuilds that he probably still has installed. I know I have it still installed. It's like wallhax for gmod. It lets you see all props visible or not.

    *Checks off a point*

    Okay, thats one, what about the others?
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    I've done it before but I'm really adverse to being any sort of influence in this community. Steev and fuhr are too busy with stuff. You could set one up if you wanted. Anyone could do it and advertise it if they wanted. I would be willing to share the one mod.

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