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Molinir Balls effects.

JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
edited March 2011 in Suggestions #1
With the new damage balance to the mojo balls perhaps a few graphical adjustements..on more than one occasion the server has tanked due to a the detonation effects of this particular weapon..they exploded with a shockwave simular to that of a core explosion that can be really FPS impacting.


  • OneAndOnlyOneAndOnly Registered Posts: 38
    yes...the balls have too big of an effect on the fps......i agree :D
  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    the server wouldn't be affected by the graphics, only clients are affected by that, and if at all posible, maby do something like what stargate does, and allow the client to turn off the rendering of some effects, such as dynamic lights
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    When mcbuilds was around I had to nerf the effects on the EMP missiles. They were causing people to explode because of the lag when one or, god forbid, two explode at the same time.
  • TikiWikiTikiWiki Registered Posts: 5
    As far as i know, the EMP missles still lag me like a mofo. The Ball effects though... THOSE CRASH ME when more than 5 are fired on me at once. If there was some possible way to optimize this effect that would be awesome or rather just go with kates idea of making it so that clients can turn it off on their side.

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