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LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
edited October 2012 in Development #1
I'm here to report that I FIXED that LITTLE ANNOYING GYROPOD BUG. What was the problem you ask? The good sir DATASCHMUCK forgot that one should give options for certain things, like you know, joystick control instead of mouse aim, and when NINJR installed the JOYSTICK MOD it broke everything mouse turning related. I must applaud everyone for not mentioning to me that it started after he installed that mod, because it would have been gone a very long time ago if it was mentioned.

TL;dr: Dataschmuck and Ninjr are why you have all not been able to use the gyropod adv properly for the past few months.
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  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    I lol'd. I swear I uninstalled that........

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."

  • DataSchmuckDataSchmuck Registered, Moderator Posts: 147
    The joystick control thing was there from the ORIGINAL gyropod. I had no idea how it worked or how it hooked in to dlls or whatever so I left it in there, cause it didn't seem to hurt anything and people who needed it had it. I would have loved to get rid of it entirely but then someone might have complained or something. Anyway, seems more Ninjrs fault than mine for installing the joystick thing and not saying, and less my fault because I am awesome and cool. 8-)
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    I put it in the freaking Changelog, therefore I didn't "not say" o.o

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."

  • DataSchmuckDataSchmuck Registered, Moderator Posts: 147
    NinjrKillr wrote:
    I put it in the freaking Changelog, therefore I didn't "not say" o.o

  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    professional server development and administration from all involved

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."

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