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Change Log for June 17 - June 23

LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
edited June 2012 in Change Logs #1
Seeing as we now have servers on Gmod 12 and Gmod 13 I'll be using the tag [GMOD 13] for anything on the Gmod 13 server.

[GMOD 13][FEATURE] - Added shield glow effect to cores
[GMOD 13][FEATURE] - Added beginnings of a new core mod system based on points
[GMOD 13][FIX] - Fixed asteroids from spawning purple
[GMOD 13][FIX] - Fixed a number of errors in the core system

GMOD 13 Status Report

So right now a lot of things are either broken or not working at all. I've fixed up most of our custom content, but things like Wiremod, Adv Dupe, and ULX are fried for the moment. If anyone goes on the Gmod 13 server please drop me a message with any bugs in our custom stuff so I can fix them!
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  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    [GMOD 13][FEATURE] - Implemented all custom life support
    [GMOD 13][FEATURE][UPDATE] - Wiremod is now mostly working
    [GMOD 13][FIX] - Cores no longer crash the server with more than one player online
    [GMOD 13][FIX] - Fixed several entities and tools not setting proper colors
    [GMOD 13][FIX] - Applied a patch to Adv Dupe 2, it's now mostly working. Patch can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/advdupe2/issues/detail?id=13

    GMOD 13 Status Report
    The server is now mostly playable though some parts of wiremod are still non-functional. Right now I need people to go on and test every LS3 entity and tell if they work or not. Some of the tooltips on the LS devices will show 0 resources even when they have resources so even if it says it has nothing try anyways.
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    Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

    Get your extra long EVE trial here!
  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    [GMOD 13][FEATURE] - Added a new Q menu to deal with the unreadable default skin.
    [GMOD 13][FIX] - Fixed the core shield glow effect eating fps more than needed.
    [GMOD 13][FIX] - Fixed a number of miscellaneous issues with the cores and some tools.
    [GMOD 13][TWEAK] - Made the core shield glow flicker.
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    Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

    Get your extra long EVE trial here!

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