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Lua Cache Couldn't be downloaded

EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
edited April 2012 in Tech Support #1
- Server Misconfigured!

I've tried to join diaspora again after 2-3 months of absence, but I got that error upon trying.
What it does to me: I can go to space and I still have gravity and it does not make me suffocate (that might be because of the current map, though, gm_spacefunk or something) and I don't have any of the diaspora-specific stuff, can't spawn ship cores, modules, weapons, and the prop protection menu entry under "Utilities" doesn't show up.

Anyone know a solution? I get this on other servers, too. I did use google, no topic I saw seems to have any solution on it. They all just debate wether it's server or clientside. Reinstalling gmod doesn't work either.


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Which server?

    EDIT: Merged, seems to be the same issue.
  • druedandruedan Registered Posts: 42
    The stools from the server addons don't show up when I join the battle server...I followed someone's advice and deleted the cache, etc. but gmod refuses to download new ones.

    Help please?
  • druedandruedan Registered Posts: 42
    I don't get an error though. I join the server no problem, just sans tools.

    It's the battle server.
  • druedandruedan Registered Posts: 42
    Also when I join the server, I get errors telling me that gmod couldn't find some autorun files, and my CAP doesn't get enabled. Mind you, this only happens on the battle server. Build server works fine.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Are you on a Macbook? Because if so, this seems to be an issue related to FastDL. When a Mac client tries to join a server with the FastDL configured, these kinds of problems tend to occur. Only solid fix I've heard for it was to delete the lua temp folder, and things like that. Otherwise, No real way to fix it.
  • druedandruedan Registered Posts: 42
    Yes i am. So that's the problem.

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