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Change Log for April 22 - April 28

AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
edited April 2012 in Change Logs #1
[list][*] [FEATURE] - Big one: I created a Multi-AutoParenting tool. It's right next to Multi-Weld/Parent tool, under Constraints. This tool works exactly like the E2 chip does: Make sure everything is welded to something on your ship, click on your ship's chosen parent prop, and it does everything for you.[/*]
[*] [FEATURE][PLAN] - Added the start of an Spacebuild RP addon. As it stands, it currently is only a chat system, where you can enable/disable it, but it has range/character names, things like that.[/*][/list]


  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    [list][*] [FEATURE] - Added spawn animations to crystals and crystal parents. Now when they appear, they don't just poof into existance![/*][/list]

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