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Remote Repair Modules

Alright, I got a suggestion to encourage ships being used for purposes other than "Tank damage, shoot shit", "Dodge damage, shoot shit", or "Mine stuff, get shot". Remote repair modules! Choose from a Remote Shield Infuser, Remote Armor-Fixing Nanite Swarm, or Remote Hull Repair! (for the abundance of hull tankers). Give em' a target core (cause a aim vector would be purposeless), and engage them! Watch as a hastily made particle effect emerges from them and bathes the target (or aims 90 degrees away from the target if we can get Brandon to code it). Finally, wonder as the receiving ship's core is repaired at greater effectiveness and lower capacitator cost than if the target did it with their own upgrades! Perfect for the caring player.
They'd need some exploit protection, though. No repairing your own stuff, as someTHELone could just stick one inside their hull and make it even easier for their cruiser to out-regenerate everything. And even if they did have proper EVE-style repair drones for their ship (which, in EVE, also can't be used on yourself), they'd be about one cadet's dickwidth in size and applyForce round the ship at about Mach Fuck, making them impossible to hit and shit for the SV. See? I plan for everything. Of course, some two cockmates could just put some remote repair drones inside each other's ship, but that'd probably be justification enough to phase inside and see if the repairbots can fix a fully-functional fusion nuke.
Bring on the logistics!
They'd need some exploit protection, though. No repairing your own stuff, as someTHELone could just stick one inside their hull and make it even easier for their cruiser to out-regenerate everything. And even if they did have proper EVE-style repair drones for their ship (which, in EVE, also can't be used on yourself), they'd be about one cadet's dickwidth in size and applyForce round the ship at about Mach Fuck, making them impossible to hit and shit for the SV. See? I plan for everything. Of course, some two cockmates could just put some remote repair drones inside each other's ship, but that'd probably be justification enough to phase inside and see if the repairbots can fix a fully-functional fusion nuke.
Bring on the logistics!
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Also, it can't just be me that finds Lambda's posts fucking hilarious