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PN Reactors

NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
edited March 2012 in Tech Support #1
They seem to have the sound not stop when you turn them off. This happens no matter what, no PN, turned off manually, etc. Rather discouraging when I was considering building a ship entirely supported by the minerals it mines.

"We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."



  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Bind a key to 'stopsounds', apparently stuck sound bugs still exist.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Yeah, that's not a programming issue. It's very weird.. it seems to happen based on distance, or something like that. The client-side part of the sound packets aren't sent, so it doesn't know that it should be disabled. It's.. very weird.
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    Strange, and rather irritating, lol. I'll see if I can manage, maybe have a concmd("stopsounds") in my control E2 whenever I turn them off.

    Cheers, guys.

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."


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