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Wierd Errors
Since this is a help "forum/Topic" thingy i will ask for some help.
some guns are errors and i dont know why.
I have downloaded all the SVN´s and such.
but some things just wont be "clear" only errors.
For Example Light missiles and the projektiles.
and again i have Gcombat and all that stuff can someone halp me out?
I wold be greatfull if you can.
some guns are errors and i dont know why.
I have downloaded all the SVN´s and such.
but some things just wont be "clear" only errors.
For Example Light missiles and the projektiles.
and again i have Gcombat and all that stuff can someone halp me out?
I wold be greatfull if you can.
Make sure you have Carters addons, the SBEP stuff and Stargate. If all else fails, try updating all the SVNs.
Edit: Do you have gmod setup to deny downloads from the server? If you do that could be why you can't see things.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Vawe cannon (also spam lua errors)
figter beam cannon
light missiles
lazor blaster (spam LUA errors)
rapid fire arty
hope you can help me
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
Not garrysmod.org or anything.
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
but i still have the errors
I dont whant to bother but i litarary hate errors!
i forgot to say but some ship parts is errors to.
and i cant check those cuz they are not in spawn list.
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
atleast what i can find.
i only have like 20 other txt files.
oh btw my core upgrades is errors to.
and i reinstalled my addons again.
my freind that join can see evrything but i cant.