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Two bugs

Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
edited February 2011 in Tech Support #1
I can't seem to use the Advanced Wire Tool with the server's custom weapons, the normal wire tool works, but not the Advanced, which simply refuses to anything when aiming at the weapon and firing.
I don't know if this would go into suggestions or not, but the current version of Gyropod has a absolute function for Vertical, Horizontal, Pitch, Yaw and Roll which allows you to give the Gyropod a negative or positive number and have it affect motion that way, rather than having separate inputs for, i.e Up and Down, which the modified version on the server does not.

Your support is appreciated!

"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    For the first one, the Advanced Wire Tool has always been buggy on things with the word Fire or Multiplier as inputs. If the input name goes lowercase, for whatever reason, the adv.wire tool just ends up failing. Blame Wire for that one.

    For the second, I'll let Dubby know, the gyropod was under her territory last I checked.

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