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Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
edited February 2012 in General #1
It's me, back after about half a year of not minging around in my stupid OP cruiser that goes at fighter speeds! (I'm not doing that any more :oops: )

Two things, could I get my Colonel rank back, and second, could I get my dupes back? They were both lost when the dev and main servers merged. Here's my SteamID (STEAM_0:0:20269688), you'll probably be able to recognize the dupes cause it's the folder full of countless versions of "Ulysses". Cheers!

"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."


  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    Lambda217 wrote:
    It's me, back after about half a year of not minging around in my stupid OP cruiser that goes at fighter speeds! (I'm not doing that any more :oops: )

    Two things, could I get my Colonel rank back, and second, could I get my dupes back? They were both lost when the dev and main servers merged. Here's my SteamID (STEAM_0:0:20269688), you'll probably be able to recognize the dupes cause it's the folder full of countless versions of "Ulysses". Cheers!
    Dupes are returned, rank might be returnable if I can get the setutime plugin to work >_<
    This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 255 character limit.

    Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>

    Get your extra long EVE trial here!
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I could tell you the code for Utime usage, if you want. I managed to make a line of code that sets your time in the utime table.
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Your business is appreciated.

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    function ENT:SetUTimeTotalHours(hours)
        local time = hours * 60 * 60
        local ply = self.Entity
        if ply:GetClass() == "player" then
            sql.Query( "UPDATE utime SET totaltime = " .. math.floor( time ) .. " WHERE player = " .. ply:UniqueID() .. ";" )

    Work with that, pretty sure it should update the uTime server database by entering the amount of hours you want to set the player to have in the function. I haven't coded Lua in a while, so forgive me if there are any syntax errors in there.
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    I would appreciate it aswell to get my old rank and dupes back again, here's my Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30897888.
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    (his rank was Negative Cadet, his dupes are the mjolnir-covered fusion generator entitled "nub fcucker" and the 400 prop Titan "kil al FAGZ" made of cargo containers and pulse cannons)

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    Lambda217 wrote:
    (his rank was Negative Cadet, his dupes are the mjolnir-covered fusion generator entitled "nub fcucker" and the 400 prop Titan "kil al FAGZ" made of cargo containers and pulse cannons)


    In all seriousness my rank was Colonel and my dupe folder had a few fighters and shuttles.

    no mjolnirs

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