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[E2] Render Lib (question for DuneD)

viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
edited September 2011 in Help and Tutorials #1
I've noticed something, on every server I've been to that has it, the version of render lib I downloaded from the wiremod site is different from the version used on servers, the biggest difference being the drawSprite command takes an entity instead of an integer for the parent, and that there are no dynamic lights, is there any way I can get the version of the E2 render lib used on the server?


  • DuneDDuneD Registered Posts: 31
    Hi there, the one on the wiremod forums is currently the one we have on the servers, somebody changed it so it uses umsg in order to render the sprites, but that has issues, like if you arent looking directly at the e2 that handles the sprite you dont get to render it. Thats why I revert it back to the original version.
  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    ok thanks, its just that I've noticed that the usrmsg version dosn't have an issue with rendering non additive rendered sprites through walls, while this one does, thats the only reason I'm asking about it
  • DuneDDuneD Registered Posts: 31
    Thats interesting... it might have something to do with the proxies im adding to the material before rendering it, could you give me an example of material that gives you that result ?
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    DuneD wrote:
    Thats interesting... it might have something to do with the proxies im adding to the material before rendering it, could you give me an example of material that gives you that result ?
    It's because my version has a view-check trace called on-frame, the method I used for that is surprisingly lightweight. Also, the only issues presented in the UMSG version were from protocol changes and GMod oddities (like parented sprites moving away from their parented location without any change in data). I'd recommend looking at my version and pulling out the trace check and such to get it all updated and working properly.

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