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Change Log for Aug 21 - 27

DaraconDaracon Registered Posts: 41
edited August 2011 in Change Logs #1
  • [FEATURE] - Added Uclip to the server.


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    • [MINECRAFT][UPDATE] - Updated Spout to dev build This should fix compatability issues that dev client users are having with special widgets not showing properly. Please note that if you cannot get connected to the server due to a NullPointerException: restart Spoutcraft, and on the launcher screen, hit Options, and check "Use latest dev build." I know this is irritating, but it's either we lose the capability to use the new stuff, or lose the capability to use the old stuff, and I choose to keep the new. At least until the next Recommended Build comes out for both in supposedly 2 days.
    • [MINECRAFT][FEATURE] - Uploaded my latest plugin, NightSky, onto the server. This basically makes the moon transition between phases like it does in real life, from Full to New, and also doubles the star density in the sky. You will need the latest Dev version of Spout to see this effect, but it will not stop non-Spout users from joining.

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