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Some questions

TheCombineSoldierTheCombineSoldier Registered Posts: 3
edited February 2011 in Tech Support #1
Sirs, I do not know the amounts of time it takes to reach certain classes on the server, please inform me of the times as I am a new player and cannot find this info.


  • TheCombineSoldierTheCombineSoldier Registered Posts: 3
    Oh, sorry for this being off-topic, but I forgot to add this in, what packs do you need aside from regular SB3,LS3,SBEP,SBMP,WIRE etc.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Someone else's thread in Suggestions is the entirely WRONG place for these kinds of questions. Split and moved.

    SBMP is not needed, it is outdated and may interfere with SBEP. Aside from the ones you listed, you also need CAF and Stargate (as well as Stargate Resources).

    As for the second question, thanks for reminding me, I'll add a list of those ranks to the MOTD when I can.

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